Treatment of respiratory diseases

The respiratory system plays a crucial role in the life of the body. The supply of oxygen directly depends on it, without which the production of energy in the cells is not possible. Therefore, any violation of the respiratory functions is a threat not only to health, but also to life. Respiratory diseases are an extensive group of diseases caused by various factors. The most common causes:  pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites.

Pathogens can attack alone or in groups, more common:

pneumococci, legionella, chlamydia, Koch bacala, influenza viruses, mycoplasma, etc .;

  • endocrine or genetic failures, enhanced by the use of drugs, poor ecology – provoke tumors, cysts;
  • external allergens: pollen, dust, house mites, animal hair (more precisely, saliva that sticks to hairs), fungal spores, various components contained in products (for example, gluten, albumin);
  • chemicals: vapors and metal salts, phosphates, fumes of acids, alkalis, etc .;
  • smoke from tobacco during passive or active smoking, from leaves, garbage.

Respiratory diseases can be triggered by various viral infections that affect the whole body. A catalyst for exacerbating many diseases can be the frequent intake of alcohol, an unbalanced diet, an incorrect daily routine, various stresses, hypothermia.

Classification, symptoms of diseases

Modern pulmonology has more than thirty diseases of various origins: infectious inflammatory, oncological, occupational, as a result of which pulmonary function is impaired, traumatic, bleeding-provoked, and genetic. Symptoms of different diseases are similar, but their combination is unique in each disease. In addition to the respiratory system, many infections affect other organs (kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system), provoke intoxication of the body, and fever. To obtain a more accurate diagnosis, the characteristic features of the symptoms, their frequency of manifestation are studied in detail.

Shortness of breath can be subjective (occurs against a background of neurosis, panic attacks) or objective – the rhythm of breathing goes astray. In a number of diseases, the function of unconscious breathing is disturbed, it may stop during sleep. With tracheitis, inflammation of the larynx, inspiratory dyspnea develops – it is difficult to inhale. With bronchitis – expiratory, when there are difficulties when exhaling.

One of the signs of pulmonary embolism is mixed dyspnea, when difficulties arise when inhaling, exhaling. With pulmonary edema, asthma, severe attacks of shortness of breath are possible – asphyxiation. A cough is dry, wet, deep asphyxiating, superficial, reflex (when dust, lint, crumbs, etc. get into the lungs). Wet occurs due to accumulation of mucus in the larynx, trachea or bronchi. The amount of mucus, its appearance with different diseases is different.

With inflammation of the mucous membranes, but without mucus, a dry cough occurs – this is a sign of pleurisy, laryngitis. A wet cough can be a symptom of both infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis), and cancerous formations. In the diagnosis, the frequency of coughing, the amount of expectorated mucus is important. If a bacterial infection caused inflammation of the bronchi, larynx, cough will be constant.

With viral diseases, such as influenza, as well as bacterial, viral pneumonia – periodic. Hemoptysis indicates the neglect of the disease, its severe course. In some cases, the release of sputum containing blood clots can signal diseases of the heart, vascular system. Pain, as a rule, occurs with extensive tissue damage or an acute form of respiratory disease . It can be localized in various areas, occur when the body position changes, accompanies coughing attacks, inhalation or exhalation.

When making a diagnosis, pulmonologists use the following diagnostic methods:

  • chest examination – allows you to see changes in shape, breathing rhythm
  • palpation (tactile method) – allows you to evaluate the strength of voice trembling, which is amplified or weakened in various diseases;
  • percussion (tapping of the chest) – helps to evaluate the fullness of organs with air. Its absence in part of the lungs may indicate an abscess, with overcrowding, emphysema is diagnosed;
  • auscultation (listening with a phonendoscope) helps to evaluate the rhythm of breathing, hear wheezing, their nature;
  • radiography, bronchoscopy – allow you to identify affected areas of the lungs, tumors;
  • analysis of cleared mucus. It can be viscous, colorless (bronchitis), foamy (pulmonary edema), viscous purulent in nature (tuberculosis or chronic bronchitis), purulent semi-fluid (abscess), bloody (tuberculosis, tumors, advanced pneumonia).

Methods for the treatment of respiratory diseases

More common are diseases caused by the action of microorganisms or allergens. It:

  • bronchitis – inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by a wet cough, it is acute, chronic;
  • pneumonia – if untreated, can be fatal. Inflammatory processes can be bacterial, viral, fungal in nature. It is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, accumulation of fluid in the alveoli;
  • bronchial asthma is a chronic disease. Manifested by spasm and swelling of the respiratory tract. It occurs in response to the ingestion of allergens (spores of fungi, dust, pollen of plants), causes asthma attacks;
  • pleurisy – inflammation of the pleura (the membrane covering the lungs). It usually develops as a complication of other infectious or viral diseases. It manifests itself in pains in the chest, which may intensify during breathing;
  • COPD – provokes irreversible changes. It leads to a violation of gas exchange, without treatment of the lungs, leads to the death of the patient. COPD develops as a reaction to external stimuli (polluted air, dust, metal fumes), as a result of inflammation, damage to the bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli occurs, and air ducts are blocked.

Among non-communicable diseases, thromboembolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus), pulmonary hypertension (increased vascular resistance in the lungs), etc. are common. The course of treatment of respiratory diseases is selected individually. It depends on the type of disease, and how hard it is, type of pathogen.

Conservative methods are traditionally used. Drug therapy has three directions:

  • etiotropic – the fight against the root cause. Depending on the causative agent, antibiotics, antifungal or antiviral agents are prescribed. But since often when one pathogen is damaged, others join, antiseptic drugs are used in combination. If the disease is caused by an allergen, antiallergic drugs;
  • treatment of symptoms – anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic drugs are prescribed, with severe fever – antipyretic;
  • maintenance therapy – immunostimulants, vitamins, as well as drugs that restore impaired functions.

Sanatorium treatment

In case of chronic lung diseases, during rehabilitation after a severely transferred illness, as well as for the prevention of asthma, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, COPD, alternative methods are used – inhalation, massage, physiotherapy. To restore health, prevent relapse, stop pathological changes will help the treatment of respiratory organs in the sanatorium. Healing procedures, a favorable climate, a relaxing environment, a balanced diet can work miracles. Sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of respiratory diseases are located in favorable climatic zones where there is no harmful production. These are mountainous regions or foothills, zones of coniferous forests that fill the air with volatile products – natural antimicrobial agents.

In the treatment of asthma, moist sea air is especially beneficial – it saturates the body with minerals, improves bronchial patency, normalizes respiration, and makes it more free.

Depending on the degree, type of disease, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • salt caves and halochambers – saturated air of salt penetrates deep into the lungs, facilitates the course of chronic inflammatory reactions, improves air permeability;
  • general strengthening procedures – swimming in the sea, warming the back in warm sand. Yes, an ordinary beach vacation under the supervision of doctors can normalize the hormonal system, improve immunity, general well-being, and cope with the consequences of illnesses;
  • mud, mineral baths – help saturate the body with the necessary minerals, remove toxins, improve the functioning of the mucous membrane;
  • herbal teas, inhalations – they supply the necessary minerals and vitamins, help in the fight against infection, strengthen the immune system, prepare it for an attack of allergens and microorganisms;
  • gymnastics, massage, acupuncture – improve the condition of the respiratory organs.


Medicine has made tremendous strides in treating lungs. Powerful antibiotics, fortifying drugs help cope with deadly diseases that claimed millions of lives half a century ago. Tuberculosis, pneumonia – today they can be dealt with. But the transfer of such a disease, the effect of strong antimicrobial agents does not pass without a trace. Immunity is broken, a transition to the chronic stage is possible.

It is much more reasonable not to bring health to such a state. Prevention will help in this: a balanced, vitamin-rich diet, clothing that protects against hypothermia in winter, the use of personal protective equipment (cotton-gauze dressing). In the body’s resistance to infections, an important role is played by good rest and recovery by the sea or ecologically clean zones. It is most convenient to periodically undergo preventive spa treatment. Qualified doctors and a favorable climate will prepare your body for the “attack of invisible enemies.”

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