Asthma and pregnancy: appointment for a doctor, treatment, risks

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that can be controlled, the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations.   Appointment to the gynecologist   It is necessary even at the planning stages of pregnancy, because asthma is not a contraindication, but some treatment methods can have a negative impact on its course and development of the fetus. However, most treatment methods are compatible with pregnancy and the risk of complications is low, but only under strict medical supervision . Otherwise, the likelihood of complications increases significantly.

Asthma and pregnancy

Asthma is not a rare chronic disease and in women during pregnancy it occurs with the same frequency. But it is worth remembering that asthma, which is poorly controlled and manageable, is associated with a number of unpleasant complications, which may in one degree or another affect the course of pregnancy. Practice shows that women who strictly follow the recommendations of a doctor, much less likely to face any complications.

Statistics show that asthma symptoms can significantly increase during pregnancy and complications associated with this condition can develop. If the disease is severe, poorly manageable and corrected, the risks of complications only increase, and pregnancy may be at risk.

According to a 2013 medical review, women with mild asthma are unlikely to experience serious symptoms during gestation. But in future mothers who suffer from moderate and severe asthma, often worsened condition. It is noteworthy that the worsening of symptoms most often occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. In some cases, deterioration can occur in the third trimester and after delivery.

It is worth noting that the refusal of treatment, due to the alleged harm to the development of the fetus, can cause a serious deterioration in the health of women with any type of asthma and the severity of its course.

Possible complications during pregnancy

If asthma is poorly controlled during pregnancy, the risk of preeclampsia, a condition that poses a threat to the health of the woman, as well as the pregnancy itself, increases significantly. Pre-eclampsia is registered in about 8% of women with asthma, and the lack of treatment is one of the causes of fatal consequences.

Anxiety symptoms include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • detection of protein in the urine;
  • severe swelling;
  • significant weight gain due to edema;
  • headaches;
  • nausea, up to vomiting;
  • visual impairment.

In pre-eclampsia, early diagnosis is important. In case of delay or errors in treatment, this condition can be dangerous for the life of the woman and the fetus.

Some studies have shown that mother’s preeclampsia significantly increases the risk of developing asthma, eczema, and allergies in a child. Other possible complications include:

  • low birth weight;
  • growth disorders of the child;
  • premature birth.

Individual decisions are made on caesarean section to prevent serious complications from the mother and child.

All possible complications can be explained by the fact that the fetus does not receive enough oxygen during fetal development. Hypoxia can also be formed due to asthma in a woman who has difficulty breathing.

Practice shows that women suffering from asthma during gestation, often born children with low birth weight. But if the symptoms of asthma remain stable and manageable, such risks are minimal. It is worth remembering that premature birth and low birth weight can cause significant health problems.

When do I need to make an appointment with a doctor?

Of course, pregnancy is a time that requires a careful attitude to your own body and a particularly scrupulous approach to the choice of drugs, etc. But the treatment of asthma should continue – this is a fact.

In one of the 2013 medical reviews, it was noted that standard treatments are considered low-risk and compatible with pregnancy. But still,   make an appointment with a gynecologist is necessary, because the some medication are considered more safe by by comparison with by others .

Doctors prefer the following drugs:

  • inhaled corticosteroids;
  • beta short-acting antagonists in the form of inhalers.

Doctors recommend excluding certain medications, including:

  • leukotriene receptor antagonists;
  • theophylline.

There is an opinion: the treatment of asthma should continue, and more attention should be paid to the condition of a pregnant woman. To develop treatment tactics, as well as measures to prevent complications, only a doctor can, taking into account the individual characteristics and the course of asthma.

Prevention of complications

Prevention of complications is designed to avoid asthma outbreaks and the worsening condition of women. Such measures make it possible to ensure a constant supply of oxygen to the woman’s body, and, consequently, to the fetus. Such activities can avoid complications.

The intensity of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and, if necessary, the concentration of substances and the list of drugs used can be reduced. The correction of the treatment and prophylaxis plan is made solely on the basis of the condition of the woman and the fetus, and the slightest changes must be reported to the leading physician, at least by telephone.

Preventing asthma outbreaks and complications during pregnancy includes several fundamental actions, including:

  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • strict adherence to all recommendations of the doctor;
  • respiratory disease prevention;
  • the rejection of bad habits and other factors that may in one degree or another provoke seizures;
  • reduce the impact of stressful situations through an active lifestyle;
  • early recognition of deterioration and timely access to a doctor for help.

Prognosis of the disease

Asthma during pregnancy, which is not treated, or there are errors and inaccuracies, can cause a deterioration in the condition of the woman and the fetus. Preeclampsia, low birth weight, premature delivery, cesarean section are becoming more likely, and in the long term are associated with a number of undesirable consequences.

Strict implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor – the best way to prevent possible complications. It is worth remembering that the correct treatment, even the prescription of drug therapy, is quite compatible with pregnancy and does not represent any harm.

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