Mixed asthma

Mixed asthma is a respiratory disease caused by exogenous and endogenous factors. It is not easy to cure it, so the therapy should be comprehensive…

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Diet and nutrition for bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic ailment that affects the respiratory tract. To remove the signs characteristic of this disease, the patient is prescribed long-term therapy. When choosing…

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Smoking with bronchial asthma

Most asthmatics are sure that the causes of their illness are caused by allergic reactions and unfavorable environmental conditions, excluding the influence of…

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Berodual and Salbutamol

Bronchodilators play a key role in the complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory system due to the development of obstruction. Currently, a number of…

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Beclomethasone is a hormonal drug belonging to the class of glucocorticosteroids . This medicine belongs to the main therapy for bronchial asthma. Indications Beclomethasone is used to reduce…

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Peak flowmetry

Diagnostic methods for diseases of the respiratory system are aimed at studying the ventilation capacity of the lungs and are needed to determine…

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Prednisolone belongs to a group of synthetic hormonal drugs of a new generation. An analogue of natural enzymes cortisone and hydrocortisone synthesized in the…

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