Bronchial asthma during pregnancy

Controlling bronchial asthma during pregnancy is vital, as insufficient attention to this issue can have an adverse effect on the well-being of not only the mother with the disease, but also the fetus, the researchers report.
Asthma is a common condition that affects about 10% of pregnant women, making it one of the most common chronic illnesses during pregnancy.
The authors of the work noted that the severity of asthma during pregnancy remains unchanged, worsens or improves in equal proportions. For women with severe asthma, control is more likely to deteriorate (about 60% of cases) compared to women with mild asthma (about 10% of cases). However, the authors conclude that all pregnant women with asthma need to be closely monitored throughout pregnancy, regardless of the severity of the disease.
The guidelines state that asthma management in pregnant women should generally be the same as for non-pregnant women and men with the disease, with the intensity of observation of pregnant women and fetuses based on the severity of their condition.
Previous studies suggesting poor control of asthma have shown the development of hypertension during pregnancy, a higher incidence of caesarean sections, and a low birth weight. However, the authors emphasize that in most women with well-controlled asthma, the risks are minimized or absent.
Asthma medications can cause unwanted side effects and effects in women and children, but scientists nevertheless conclude that it is still safer for women to use asthma therapy during pregnancy.
There is generally no increased risk of asthma exacerbation in the postpartum period, and women usually return to pre-pregnancy severity a few months after delivery.


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