Bronchial asthma in children. Symptoms and causes of bronchial asthma


  • Wheezing
  • Sharp breaths without relaxation on exhalation;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the chest, asphyxiation;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Great fear of the child before suffocation;
  • Cold palms and feet;
  • Blue lips.


In young patients, the cause of asthma is usually allergies, so the causative agent is those substances that usually cause allergic reactions in your child. The bronchi and muscles of the respiratory system are closely related to the mental state of the child, so asthma can have a psychosomatic character. Asthma attacks often accompany severe stress on the psyche of the child. In general, the cause of bronchial asthma can be exclusively psychological problems.

The doctor should begin treatment for bronchial asthma as early as possible to identify the causes of the attacks. The tips in this book are designed to complement medical care and help you reduce the number of seizures, or at least make them weaker.


During sleep, the nervous system takes care of the narrowing of the bronchi, since at this time the body needs less air – the body hardly moves. This condition of the bronchi can persist for some time after awakening, although then, in fact, the body already needs more air. This is due to a lack of cortisone, which contributes to the expansion of the bronchi. For this reason, most attacks of bronchial asthma begin in the early morning.


The patient will benefit from anything that changes the processes in the body and helps strengthen the immune system. This may be, for example, a climate change (climate with sudden changes in weather).


Mustard plasters help to relax the respiratory tract and release them from sputum. Apply mustard plasters as follows: 15 g of mustard powder dilute in 1 liter of hot water, immerse the linen cloth in the solution, squeeze and put on the baby’s chest. Then wrap your breasts in a warm towel. Mustard must be kept for 20 to 30 minutes.


With mild respiratory failure, a quartz lamp can help the baby. We recommend seeking medical advice.


Lemon compresses are much easier to use and no less effective. Moisten the linen cloth with freshly squeezed lemon juice and place it on the baby’s chest, and cover with a pongee cloth on top. Compress can be left overnight. It helps relieve spasm of the bronchi.


  • Tea from Lungwort : Pour 2 teaspoons of Lungwort (from the pharmacy) with a cup of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain. Give your child 2 cups a day. Tea can be sweetened with honey.
  • Tea from Icelandic moss (Lichen islandicus) : Pour a teaspoon of Icelandic moss (from a pharmacy) with a cup of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain. Give your child a cup of this delicious and healthy tea per day.
  • Tea from coltsfoot : pour 2 teaspoons of coltsfoot (from the pharmacy) 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes, strain, sweeten with honey. Give your child a sip all day.
  • Tea from the tea mix : ask the pharmacy to mix for you 10 grams of Icelandic moss, 10 grams of coltsfoot, 10 grams of budra, 10 grams of verbena, 10 grams of plantain and 10 grams of fennel. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture with a cup of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain, sweeten with honey. Give your child 3 cups a day.
  • Tea from tea mix II : mix 25 g of elderberry color, 20 g of coltsfoot, 5 g of fennel seeds (all from the pharmacy). Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, sweeten with honey. Give your child a sip all day every 15 minutes.


Chronic diseases such as asthma are well treated with homeopathic remedies, although they are usually only a complement to traditional medical treatment. To find the right homeopathic remedy, you should consult an experienced homeopathic pediatrician.

  • Cuprum Metallic D6 helps if the child coughs violently and his lips turn blue. At the beginning of the attack, 5 drops should be instilled into his tongue, and after 15 minutes the same amount.
  • Sambucus nigra D6 (Sambucus nigra) helps if the child has a stuffy nose and sweating is intensified during the attack. At the beginning of the attack, drip 5 drops on his tongue, and after 15 minutes still the same dose.


– Correct posture:
If your asthma attack suddenly begins, put your child in a chair. The back should be straight and the stomach bulged forward. This facilitates the work of the diaphragm – one of the most important muscles of the respiratory system. In this case, the baby should freely lower his hands. Tell him to exhale air not sharply, but gradually, with his lips folded in a tube (as with a whistle).
Relaxation. If a child is upset about something, let him cry! Instead of “crying” the lungs, it is better for the feelings to manifest naturally, through sobs. It doesn’t matter whether it is a matter of disappointment, grief or anger – everything that makes you want to cry should lead to the manifestation of feelings in children (as, indeed, in adults). Children should never be ashamed of their crying. During an asthma attack, you should convince the child that he can calmly cry, and many attacks will turn into normal sobs.


  • Protect an asthma patient from the cold! Severe cold leads to a sharp narrowing of the bronchi. At very low outdoor temperatures, leave your child at home, or at least cover his mouth and nose with a scarf.
  • Remind him to breathe with their nose, not their mouth. Thanks to nasal breathing, air is cleansed and heated before entering the bronchi.
  • Encourage your child to play sports. Especially useful to him will be those sports that increase endurance: swimming, cycling and jogging.

Since asthma in children is in many cases allergic in nature, an allergic study is necessary. When establishing the causative agent of allergies, it is necessary to reduce contacts with allergenic substances. You can also consult your doctor about whether your child needs desensitizing treatment.

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