Child with asthma: preparation for school, health

Allergy symptoms and attacks of bronchial asthma often worsen soon after the start of school. The close contact of a child with other children indoors increases the intensity of contact with respiratory viruses and animal dandruff, which children who come in contact with pets bring from home.In the first weeks of school, the concentration of weed pollen can also be high, as parents should keep in mind when escorting a child to first grade. Plus, new life and learning are stressful, and such stress reactions always negatively affect health, temporarily suppressing immunity. How to prepare for the first class? Need to start in advance.

Action Plan for the treatment of bronchial asthma

It is important to talk in advance with your doctor in order to draw up an action plan for the treatment of bronchial asthma at school. It is important to be screened and if   bronchial asthma   has an allergic origin, discuss the possibility of immunotherapy. If this is not possible due to various circumstances, the plan should include step-by-step instructions on which medication to use for treating symptoms of bronchial asthma, basic (constantly) and during exacerbations; worsen the course of asthma in a child.

Schools have different rules that allow children to bring medicine to school. When enrolling a child in school, parents should know its rules in advance. In many institutions, the doctor must fill out a form with a list of drugs that the child should carry with them at school. In addition, it is important to make sure that there is a medical office in the school and that there is a medical officer there.

Preparing a child for school

At the beginning of autumn, when school begins, weed pollen and cooler weather can lead to a change in the condition of the child. It is important that parents are ready in advance for these changes, and under the supervision of a physician, preventive treatment is carried out, which may be of great importance in maintaining control over asthma attacks in a child.

It is also necessary to schedule a meeting with the school staff and the medical staff before or at the beginning of the school year. It is necessary to discuss with them issues relating to training, physical education classes, nutrition, and possible emergency care, if   child   will feel bad. You need to take with you a written action plan for the treatment of bronchial asthma, you should give these leaves to the school teacher and health worker, along with the child’s medical card. It is important to explain in what cases the child uses the inhaler, how to help him with the exacerbation, what to do next. In most cases, with a mild course of bronchial asthma, the child, when studying at school, will be limited in almost nothing.

Work with school stress

The first weeks at school can be a time when a baby is under stress. It can aggravate existing allergies and asthma attacks. Parents can help their children cope with the stresses of the new school year by pre-attending school preparation courses and explaining what the child will have to do when they start school. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to speak and raise issues that concern him, so it is easier to survive the stress. The transition to the new regime in advance, a few months before school and parental care, joint actions in front of the school (exercise, breakfast) often reduce the level of stress. It is important that the parents support the child in everything, and do not separate him from other children only because of the disease.

Health problems: when to stay at home

You need to talk with your child’s doctor about when to stay at home due to the problems of the most bronchial asthma or changes in somatic health. With symptoms of mild asthma, you can usually attend school, but there are a number of factors that need to be considered when deciding whether to switch to home schooling or other forms due to health conditions. Naturally, the daily and severe attacks significantly impair the health of the child, and in such cases, the issue of schooling is acute.

In general, signs of a cold, fever, deterioration of external respiration rates due to worsening allergies or other problems require staying at home. It is important to call a doctor or come to an appointment, assess the child’s health and decide when to go to school for classes after treatment.

Parents’ questions: school camps, trips

Many parents warmly recall trips to school camps and summer fun. But a child with bronchial asthma is a special situation. In our country there are no special camps for children with asthma, although there are sanatoriums and treatment centers where you can organize both treatment and health improvement of the child at school. If it is mild asthma with rare exacerbations, parents can discuss a trip to a regular camp with a doctor. Parents often have a checklist of things to prepare for the trip of the children to the camp. This asthma checklist can help parents, children with asthma, and camp staff to work together to ensure a safe stay in the camp. However, a preschooler child and a younger schoolboy cannot always fully control their condition, therefore the issue of summer rest in a camp is worth raising a field of 10-12 years.

Knowledge of the disease: talk with a child

By the time school starts, the child should already know as much information as possible about his illness. How parents should explain the development of a child’s bronchial asthma depends on factors such as the age and maturity of the baby, as well as the severity of the disease. It is important to discuss what happens in the airways, both during an attack and when asthma is under control. Also, the child must understand, as   what medications   used in asthma to control the problem during seizures. It is also important that your child knows that many children suffer from asthma, and lead a normal life every day.

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