First Aid for Cardiac Asthma

Cardiac asthma is a complication that occurs due to the transfer of severe cardiac, viral, infectious and other diseases. In no case should it be confused with a disease such as bronchial asthma, since these are two different pathologies, and they need to be treated differently as well.

Cardiac asthma is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and shortness of breath, suffocation. These signs are very similar to symptoms of bronchial asthma, so it is very important to be able to distinguish between these diseases among themselves.

The main cause of attacks of cardiac asthma are diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the lungs, kidneys, nervous system and other organs. The attack begins due to acute failure in the left ventricle of the heart. On average, the age of people suffering from cardiac asthma is 60-65 years, but in some cases it can occur much earlier.

How to provide first aid during an attack of cardiac asthma?

If a person began to manifest even the very first symptoms of cardiac asthma , you can not hesitate. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor and provide the patient first aid . After the arrival of the doctors, he will definitely be hospitalized, even if the attack has passed without any special consequences and complications. In the hospital, he will be prescribed a course of treatment and recovery, which, incidentally, is completely different from the treatment of bronchial asthma, as many people think.

So, the very first thing to do is to give the patient a half-sitting position. Then you need to provide a stream of fresh air by unbuttoning your outer clothing. After this, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, if possible. When the systolic pressure is higher than 100 mm RT. Art. a person needs to put a tablet of nitroglycerin under his tongue, or, most effectively, use a nitroglycerin spray. In the absence of drugs containing nitroglycerin, validol can be used.

After 5-10 minutes, it is necessary to start applying tourniquets to the patient’s limbs. You can replace them with an elastic bandage, or with a nylon cloth. The harnesses should be applied to three limbs at the same time, and every fifteen minutes one of them should be tied to a free limb.

To avoid the occurrence of cardiac asthma, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor overall health. In people who do not have bad habits, the risk of its occurrence is several times less.

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