House dust can cause asthma, cancer and infertility

In 90% of cases, it has toxic properties, provoking the development of asthma, problems with conceiving a child and even the appearance of oncological diseases.

American scientists have come to the conclusion that the seemingly innocent house dust actually poses a great danger. In 90% of cases, it has toxic properties, provoking the development of asthma, problems with conceiving a child and even the appearance of oncological diseases.

Experts from the Milken Institute of Public Health at George Washington University (USA) conducted an unusual experiment. They collected dust samples in homes in 14 states, analyzing it for all sorts of threats to human health. As a result, experts have discovered 45 potentially toxic chemicals. So, the dust that covers most of the shelves in apartments and houses includes a wide variety of fragrances, phenols, TDCIPP carcinogens, phthalates, flame retardants, flame retardants TDCIPP.

The trouble is that the producers of the absolute majority of household products absolutely do not pay attention to the prohibitions, including in their composition a huge number of harmful compounds. The latter almost always linger in the flooring, and also remain on the surface of the furniture and any other objects in the house. After a certain period of time, particles of toxic substances rise into the air and begin to migrate from one room to another. The person living in this room is not able to avoid contact with dust microparticles – it is not only absorbed through the respiratory tract, but also absorbed through the skin. As a result – the development of serious health problems, including asthma, infertility and even cancer.

According to scientists, it will not be possible to completely avoid contact with hazardous dust if household products with harmful chemical composition are regularly used indoors. But it is quite possible to reduce the concentration of hazardous chemicals: to do this, wash your hands with soap and water as often as possible and carry out wet cleaning regularly.

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