How to help with bronchospasm

Bronchospastic syndrome is a pathological condition that is characterized by a sudden reversible narrowing of the internal lumens of the bronchi, contributing to obstructed air passage in the airways. This leads to oxygen starvation, the appearance of shortness of breath and suffocation.

Symptoms of bronchospasm

The development of bronchospasm begins with the usual protective reaction of the body, but timely relaxation of the bronchi does not occur, edema appears. Air can no longer fully enter the lungs, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood. This is a serious condition that can lead to death. Medical assistance not delivered on time leads to an acute lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness, irreversible processes in the tissues are triggered, provoked by a lack of oxygen. Bronchospasm can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:
– a person does not have enough air, there is a feeling of heaviness, fear and stuffiness in the chest;
– the patient begins to breathe heavily, and when exhaling, a whistle is heard;
– dry coughing;
– the person abruptly falls silent, draws his head in, the face takes on a frightened expression;
– a pale face, bruises under the eyes.

Causes of bronchospasm

Bronchospasm itself is an overly strong protective reaction to any stimulus. In addition to irritation, blood begins to flow so that the cells of the immune system create an inflammatory barrier around the toxin. This resembles edema at the site of the bruise, but because Since the bronchi are a kind of tube, edema leads to a decrease in the internal lumen of the bronchi. Everything is aggravated by a spasm of muscles trying to push the stimulus into the environment. People suffering from allergies and bronchial asthma are more prone to bronchospastic syndrome.

First aid for an attack of bronchospasm

Based on the fact that bronchospasm is most often an allergic reaction, the first aid will be the elimination of the irritating factor. Close the windows in the room, if necessary, wash, gargle, rinse your nose. If the attack is not associated with a defensive reaction, then, on the contrary, open the windows, unfasten tight clothing, seat the victim, use bronchodilators or an inhaler and drink warm liquid. If the measures taken do not help within an hour, then immediately call an ambulance.

What is strictly prohibited during an attack of bronchospasm

To rub a person with strongly smelling balms, ointments and other things, give honey and herbal infusions, put mustard plasters. All this will only strengthen the body’s defenses and worsen the situation. The use of drugs that prevent the appearance of cough, 1st generation antihistamines and sedative medications is strictly prohibited.

Bronchospasm treatment

Treatment should be urgent and intensive. Intravenous cholinolytic and antispasmodic drugs, antihistamines, and corticosteroids have a good effect. The use of adrenaline, morphine, and the like in the treatment is prohibited. In severe cases, the victim should be in intensive care, where they undergo forced ventilation.

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