How to treat asthma

Bronchial asthma is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Inflammation with the development of bronchial asthma is chronic. An asthmatic attack is an attack of unproductive cough, vultures and wheezing in the chest, a feeling of constriction in the chest, a heavy sigh. Due to the inflammatory process that irritates the airways, they become very sensitive to various irritants. When exposed to inflammation of the respiratory tract of the irritant, edema and cramping occur. In the process of compressing the respiratory tract with spasms, mucus begins to secrete.

The question of how to treat bronchial asthma is not always relevant, as in some cases the obstruction passes by itself. Treatment of bronchial asthma is aimed at reducing the number of asthma attacks and their severity.

Bronchial asthma is an extremely high degree of sensitivity of various kinds of irritants, in particular allergens, which are non-specific. In the modern treatment regimen for bronchial asthma, three types of disease are distinguished – atopic bronchial asthma, allergic bronchial asthma and a disease of combined origin.

As a rule, bronchial asthma proceeds standardly – periods of remission are replaced by attacks of asphyxiation. In the process of developing an attack of bronchial asthma, several stages are distinguished – accession, attack, post-attack, inter-access. In some cases, bronchial asthma has the appearance of an asthmatic course of bronchitis.

Signs of respiratory obstruction

Asphyxia in bronchial asthma, as a rule, occurs at night or in the early morning. If an asthma attack begins in the afternoon, then most likely this indicates direct contact with the irritant. An asthmatic attack begins to develop with an unproductive dry cough, during which sputum does not go away. After this, severe shortness of breath and internal wheezing develops. On both sides, when listening to the chest, dry and wet wheezing is heard. With a prolonged course of the attack, blood pressure rises and tachycardia develops.


How to treat asthma

The specific treatment regimen for asthma is based on the stage of development of the disease. The treatment of this pathology during the period of exacerbation, that is, the development of an attack, consists in the most operative kuping of the disease state with the help of bronchospasmolytics.

Usually, ephedrine or epinephrine, that is, medications based on these substances, are used to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma. An effective drug in order to treat bronchial asthma, the drug salbutamol has established itself. At the same time with the use of bronchospasmolytics prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma, sputum thinners, therapeutic exercises and massage are used. If an active infection is observed, then antibiotic drugs are prescribed during the treatment of bronchial asthma, before which an individual susceptibility test of the drug is performed.

During the development of remission, that is, without an attack, in particular if there is an allergy to household dust and plant pollen, it is necessary to carefully take care of immunity. Such treatment for bronchial asthma is statistically effective in more than seventy-five cases of the disease. Before starting immunotherapy, it is necessary to carefully treat the nasopharynx cavity from irritants. It must be remembered that immunotherapy cannot be combined with such medical measures as vaccinations or other effects at the antigen level. Exercise is very important in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

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