Pneumonia without fever

Respiratory diseases are accompanied by a cough and fever. But sometimes with bronchitis and pneumonia, the temperature remains normal. In this case, the symptoms resemble a cold, and the person is in no hurry to see a doctor. As a result, treatment does not start on time, and the disease can lead to serious consequences.


Pneumonia with a normal temperature does not have the manifestations characteristic of ordinary pneumonia, and you can only suspect that something was wrong if you carefully monitor your well-being. The first sign of pathology is unreasonable weakness, drowsiness and fatigue.

Shortness of breath after exercise

Indirect symptoms of temperatureless pneumonia include:

  • shortness of breath and increased heart rate after exercise;
  • sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • pallor of the skin of the face.

A common sign of pathology is a blush on the cheeks. It is brighter from the side of the diseased lung.

A strong cough that does not stop, breathing with a whistle can lead to the idea of ​​pneumonia. Frequent pain in the back and chest, often with movement. They can radiate to the stomach, simulate a picture of a heart attack. Headache is also associated with pneumonia.



Parents should be especially careful, because the child cannot always understand and explain what is happening to him. With pneumonia, he becomes moody, refuses to eat and play, complains that something hurts him. Babies are at risk. In babies under one year old, the disease is manifested by lethargy, poor sleep and loss of appetite, heavy and frequent breathing, nasal congestion. Sometimes pneumonia is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

Main reasons

The main causes of temperatureless pneumonia include:

Weak immunity

  1. Weakening of immunity. The infection easily enters the body, microbes multiply rapidly.
  2. Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Due to the large amount of antibacterial agents, the body reacts dull to the infection. This happens after untreated bronchitis.
  3. Taking antitussive pills. They suppress the reflex, and sputum containing pathogenic microorganisms is not excreted from the bronchi. As a result, purulent-inflammatory processes develop in the lungs.

In pregnant women, due to the fetus, the lungs are higher. This, plus a weakened immune system, often causes SARS, which proceeds without fever.

In infants, pneumonia is more likely to occur after a viral infection.

Diagnostic procedures

Listening to the lungs

Diagnosis of the disease begins with the examination of the patient. Attention is drawn to the pallor of the skin, the frequency and depth of breathing. A thorough listening to the sounds of the lungs is carried out. In pregnant women, this is the main type of examination, since X-rays are contraindicated for them. At the initial stage of pneumonia, sometimes wheezing in the lungs is not heard, which is sometimes the reason for a misdiagnosis.

Even an experienced doctor is difficult to recognize SARS. Therefore, the diagnosis is not complete without a blood test, which records an increase in ESR and leukocytes, a decrease in the level of lymphocytes.

An X-ray of the lungs is mandatory, but sometimes even a picture does not show changes in the lung tissue.

Disease treatment methods

UHF therapy

Treatment of pneumonia without fever is carried out in a comprehensive manner. These are drug therapy and adjunctive treatments. The latter include physiotherapy: microwave, UHF, electrophoresis, inhalation, massage. They reduce the inflammatory process, promote sputum discharge, and activate blood circulation. Therapeutic exercise improves pulmonary ventilation, strengthens the respiratory muscles. Traditional medicine helps to increase immunity, reduce cough.

Of great importance in the treatment of pneumonia are bed rest and diet – high-calorie food, abundant drink – compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices, herbal teas.

It is possible to treat pneumonia in adults and adolescents, if there are no complications, at home, with the strict fulfillment of the doctor’s prescriptions. Treatment without the recommendations of a pulmonologist aggravates the patient’s condition. With a complicated course of pneumonia, children and people over 60, as well as pregnant women, are better off undergoing treatment in a hospital.

What drugs to take

Ingavirin capsules

For the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics (or antiviral drugs), anti-inflammatory, detoxification , immunostimulating, antihistamines, mucolytic and expectorants are used.

Antiviral drugs ( Nazoferon Alfarekin Ingavirin ) are prescribed for the treatment of viral pneumonia. If the infection is caused by bacteria, be sure to take antibiotics for 7-14 days. They are selected taking into account the type of pathogen or a wide spectrum of action. Children are often prescribed Amoxicillin with or without clavulanic acid, Cefuroxime in injections, for adults – Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone Amoxiclav . In practice, antibiotics of 2-3 groups are simultaneously used to treat pneumonia.

Immunomodulators are used (Arbidol, Kagocel Immunal ). Vitamin complexes accelerate tissue regeneration, increase the body’s defenses. Sometimes newborns are given immunoglobulins.

Zodak preparation

Anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Analgin) are taken to relieve inflammation, reduce the symptoms of pneumonia and intoxication.

Antihistamines Loratadin Aleron Zodak ) in the treatment of pneumonia are used to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes. If the nose is blocked, vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Naphthyzin, Galazolin ) are used.

When dry cough-thinning mucus and facilitate its promotion applies mucolytics (acetylcysteine, Fluimucil , Ambroxol, Mukobene ), and for a full cough – expectorants (Mukaltin, Gedeliks Stoptussin ).

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recipes in the treatment of pneumonia are used provided that they are in addition to drug therapy and are agreed with the attending physician.

Aloe juice with honey

To increase immunity, they drink tea with lemon, raspberries, currants, strawberries, rose hips, mint, and linden.

At home, they do steam inhalations, breathe over boiled potatoes, put compresses, mustard plasters, and cans. Warming up in a bath and a bath is contraindicated in case of pneumonia.

Indispensable helpers in the treatment of pneumonia are aloe vera and agave. The juice and pulp of these plants are taken orally with honey. Drink from oats relieves inflammation well.


If the treatment of pneumonia is started on time and carried out at the proper level, the patient recovers. The prognosis is optimistic, if the patient feels well, he has satisfactory laboratory tests and a minimum of chronic pathologies. If there are no complications, pneumonia resolves in 2-3 weeks. After recovery, the residual cough can still persist for up to 1 month, which is quite normal.

Preventive actions


Prevention of pneumonia – strong immunity. To do this, you need to eat well and temper the body. The diet should contain dairy products, meat, fish, all kinds of fruits and vegetables – sources of vitamins and minerals. To harden the body, you need to walk in the fresh air in any weather, dress for the season, so as not to freeze, but also not to sweat. Firming massage is useful, especially for newborns.

The correct temperature regime (22-23 ° C) and humidity in the house (45-60%) are important. Cleanliness in the room, the absence of mold, dampness, heat, drafts – all this also strengthens health. Smoking, harmful fumes harm the lungs.

In order not to catch an infection during the peak of colds, you just need to avoid contact with infected people, wear a medical mask in public places, rinse your nose with saline.

For those who are prone to respiratory diseases, regular breathing exercises and physical education should become the rule of life.

Possible complications

With pneumonia without fever, there is a high risk of complications, which include:


  • pleurisy;
  • swelling or suppuration of the lung;
  • pulmonary abscess;
  • bleeding;
  • blood poisoning;
  • respiratory failure.

Often there are complications in the heart (myocarditis) and damage to the central nervous system. In children, neurotoxicosis occurs , in which the temperature can rise sharply. The fever is accompanied by convulsions and respiratory arrest.

Pneumonia without fever is a very dangerous pathology. Without treatment, it always ends in serious complications, sometimes the patient dies.


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