Signs of asthma

Bronchial asthma is an inflammation that occurs in the tissues of the bronchi. The difference between bronchial asthma and many other pulmonological diseases is that asthma is only chronic. Timely diagnosed bronchial asthma makes it possible to ultimately reduce the density of attacks and reduce the severity of their course. If the patient carefully and carefully complies with all the recommendations of the attending physician, then improvement will certainly come. It is proved that with constant monitoring of his condition by the patient himself, with regular visits to the doctor, the density of asthma attacks decreases by at least ten times.

Signs of asthma

The main symptom of asthma is an asthma attack, that is, a feeling of severe lack of air, despite the fact that a person is struggling to breathe deeper. With an attack, the patient is not able to take a deep breath, there is a strong asphyxiation. In addition, signs of asthma are an extremely dry and unproductive cough, vultures and wheezing in the bronchi, uncomfortable sensations and soreness in the chest.

Signs of asthma can not manifest themselves, for no reason. Symptoms of asthma can develop for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the first impulse is that the bronchi are irritated by dust that has penetrated with the inhaled air. In another case, the cause of asthma may be excessive exercise. Depending on what causes asthma, the disease can be seasonal or year-round.

Why are there signs of asthma?

Despite the extreme prevalence of the development of asthma symptoms in patients, doctors still cannot give a definitive answer, which is nevertheless the causes of asthma.

Studies show that the tendency to develop bronchial asthma is transmitted at the hereditary level by genes. The danger of developing signs of asthma is especially identified in people suffering from atopic phenomena, when too much immunoglobulin is produced in the blood, or in people who are overweight and obese. Tobacco also serve as a trigger.

Modern researchers most of all pay attention to the allergic component of the development of signs of asthma, and in particular its exacerbations, that is, attacks. It is because of allergies that the first signs of asthma often begin to appear.

Allergens, that is, annoying components, can include plant pollen and house dust, food and medicine, pet hair and dander, and other irritants.

The cause of asthma can also be microorganisms – viruses or bacteria.

Complications of Asthma Symptoms

With the development of signs of asthma, bronchial tissue contracts. The treatment of asthma is aimed at expanding the tissues, at spreading them, bringing them back to normal. If relief of seizures and general supportive therapy are absent, bronchi may lose their ability to straighten themselves, which will lead to the development of chronic obstruction.

When using a certain number of medicines for asthma, there is a need to use anti-inflammatory drugs, since otherwise the frequency of asthma attacks and their severity increases. In the absence of treatment of the inflammatory process, a significant narrowing of the bronchial tissue occurs and the formation of plugs from bronchial mucus in them. This condition is called asthmatic status and is very serious, requiring emergency delivery to the hospital.

Another complication of asthma symptoms is the development of pneumothorax. Pneumothorax is the ingress of air into the pleural cavity when lung tissue ruptures. Such a violation immediately requires the help of professional doctors.

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