Swimming in the pool can cause asthma

The benefits of swimming have long been known. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and tighten the figure. However, it turns out that a visit to the pool can also lead to respiratory problems.

It’s all about bleach, which disinfect water in the pool. Besides the fact that it can affect the skin (to make it more dry and vulnerable) and hair (especially blondes, who after a long stay in the pool may appear a greenish tint of hair), are at risk and light swimmers.

Canadian and French scientists conducted an experiment with 23 professional swimmers from Canada who had trained in swimming pools for many years. Lung tissue samples were taken from them and breath tests were performed with them. Ten more people with asthma and ten healthy people underwent the same procedures. As a result, it was found that exposure to chlorine can cause changes in lung tissue in swimmers that are similar to those in asthmatics. Swimmers found that the number of immune cells in the lung tissue associated with the presence of asthma was six times the number of such cells in normal healthy people.

Scientists insist that it is necessary to look for alternative means for disinfecting pool water.

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