The period of an attack of bronchial asthma

In the initial period of bronchial asthma, you can successfully use physical exercises and water procedures. This method has been tested in medical institutions in Moscow (city clinical hospital No. 61, city clinical hospital 57, 2nd Grad Children’s Clinical Hospital named after Rusakov, children’s clinics No. 14 and 7 of the Perovsky district of the capital) and in the families of my students. Therefore, boldly include it in the home exercise program, if there is such a need.

Stopping the attack of infectious-allergic bronchial asthma

The tactics of physical assistance to the patient consists in simultaneously attacking a respiratory infection (the cause of the development of suffocation) and asthma (a consequence of a respiratory infection). In this regard, you have to solve the following main tasks: by the combined use of certain physical culture and hygiene measures, provide the patient with the necessary physiological conditions for a successful fight against infection, constantly normalize the state of the nasopharynx, conduct full drainage of the bronchi, reduce shortness of breath, and maintain hardening.

The main means of physical culture and hygiene measures: cold bathing and dousing, facial massage in combination with water procedures, chest massage and rubbing the feet, squeezing, breathing exercises, expression diaphragmatic breathing, available physical exercises, timely changing the patient and overcoming his bed, air baths, plentiful drink with a complete refusal of food.

Before stopping the attack of suffocation, the next job is to be done cycle by cycle.

Bathing or dousing with cold or better ice water (as long as possible). During this procedure, completely switch to diaphragmatic breathing and the correct cough – 3-8 minutes (according to health).

Blotting the body with a bath towel or sheet.

Walking barefoot, half-naked, with alternating natural and expression of diaphragmatic breathing with proper coughing – 3-4 minutes.

Get dressed and put on shoes.

Facial massage in combination with water procedures – 2 times.

WIG. 3 times two squeezes, between series to perform chest massage (stroking, “caterpillar”, twisting). Up to 2 minutes

Rest sitting in I.P. for VYZhs, with alternating natural and expression of diaphragmatic breathing, with the right easy coughing – 5 min.

Facial massage in combination with water procedures – 1-2 times.

Massage of the chest – 6 min. The main technique is stroking. Alternate it with the techniques of “caterpillar”, “shoulder – neck”, twisting, vibration, patting.

WIG. 2 times three squeezes. Between series do chest massage – 2 min.

Rubbing the feet – 2 minutes

Exercise available. Up to b min

Rest sitting in I.P. for VYZhs, with alternating natural and expression of diaphragmatic breathing, with the right mild cough – 5 min.

This is one cycle of athletic effects on the patient. It should be repeated again and again until the desired result is achieved.

Methodological notes . If you need to apply this cycle to a small child, build your work as follows. Immerse the child in a cold bath on the neck for 3 b min. Blot the baby with a diaper or sheet.

During the air bath, give him a face massage and wash it with cold water – 1-2 times.

Continuing the air bath, massage the chest, alternating techniques: stroking, “caterpillar”, “shoulder – neck”, “dough”, twisting – 6 minutes.

VYZHST-2 or VYZHL-2 (which is better suited) – 4-6 times.

Lay the child in a bed with a high headboard, rub his feet until he feels warm. Facial massage and washing – 1-2 times.

VYZh (which is most suitable for the child) – 4-6 times.

Rest in bed half-sitting. Up to 10 minutes In case of shortness of breath, fix the upper part of the chest with brushes on the exhale (up to 2 min) in alternation with natural breathing (1 min).

Then work another 20 minutes (facial massage, washing, chest massage, squeezing) and start a new cycle.

The experience of immersing children and adults of all ages in cold and icy water convincingly testifies to the benefits of this procedure: in a few minutes, Breathing deepens, there is a noticeable decrease in heart rate, the pulse returns to normal, the body temperature drops by 20-30 minutes, from high to low-grade . The threat of overheating of the body is excluded, and the need for taking antipyretic drugs is completely eliminated.

Facial massage in combination with water procedures is the main event aimed at stopping an attack of bronchial asthma. In this case, it is necessary to use exclusively diaphragmatic breathing in order to avoid an increase in shortness of breath and the attack of suffocation itself.

A rather painful massage technique – twisting – for a sick child and an adult will be the most desirable, because after it breathing normalizes for some period of time. In general, try to apply those massage techniques that are currently more to your liking.

It is extremely necessary to masterfully perform push-ups – without this, there can be no talk of a quality drainage of the bronchi. Just remember that the master is not the one who has the hands of a weightlifter, but the one who clearly doses time and his physical effort, and most importantly, is not mistaken in choosing the method of squeezing. Otherwise, suffocation will only increase, and you risk losing the patient’s confidence.

It is permissible to use the usual inhaler during a sharp deterioration in the condition, for example, in especially difficult cases and, of course, for beginners. After a day or two of hard work, the need for medication will disappear almost forever.

Having stopped the attack from the patient, in each new cycle, be sure to use jogging (up to 6 min) immediately after bathing and getting your body wet, and sooner tougher squeezes, exercises A, B, C and K, dancing squatting will become available. At the same time, control the pulse of the child and adult, not allowing it to exceed 140 beats / min.

Due to internal reasons (increase in body temperature, changes in external respiration, increased secretory function of the bronchial mucosa, reaction to excessive physical exertion, etc.) and external (transition from an enclosed space to fresh air and vice versa, an increase in air humidity, etc.), the order a new attack of suffocation may suddenly develop, it must be answered with physical education measures presented in the program, in no case giving in to panic, reassuring oneself and the fact that, just in case, there is, for example, the necessary inhaler.

Having achieved success in stopping an attack of bronchial asthma, nevertheless you are left alone with a sick person, whose respiratory infection is far from defeated. But this is not a reason for bewilderment. It is enough to apply the method of physical rehabilitation in the acute period of the disease in relation to the diagnosis and age of the child or adult.

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