
Toxoderma is also called toxic-allergic dermatitis. Toxoderma is a disease of the skin and mucous membranes that develops due to exposure to toxins that penetrate the human body through the circulatory system. With the defeat of toxidermia, all organs and systems suffer, but the mucous membranes and skin are exposed to the most severe effects.

Toxic substances can enter the body along with food and medicines, through the respiratory tract and absorbed through the skin. Not so often, the causes of the development of toxidermia may be the products of metabolic processes that are formed when the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or liver are disturbed. Depending on the causes of toxidermia, its varieties are distinguished – drug toxidermia, alimentary toxidermy and autotoxic toxidermy.

With toxidermia, severe damage to the mucous membranes and skin, the central nervous and vascular systems, as well as internal organs develops.

At risk are people who are prone to the development of allergic reactions, suffering from diseases such as, for example, bronchial asthma, or having a genetic predisposition.

The largest distribution is characterized by drug or drug toxicoderma. The reason for the development of this disease lies in the use of all kinds of drugs, for example, antibiotic drugs, sulfonamide drugs, vitamins and drugs iodine, dipyrone and bromine, as well as vaccinations and vaccines.

Foodborne toxidermia is usually caused by eating foods such as fish roe and chocolate, red fish and citrus fruits, spices and strawberries. Food toxidermy begins to develop in an acute form, rashes on the skin with such a disease are symmetrical. The general condition of the patient is unsatisfactory.

Symptoms of drug toxidemia can be of a different nature, since the same compound can cause different manifestations in different individuals. On the other hand, various substances can cause the development of similar symptoms.

As a rule, toxidermia at the beginning of development is manifested in rashes of red color of various shapes and localizations. Sometimes blisters occur. After some time, numerous bubbles and blisters form, rashes of a hemorrhagic nature, papules and nodes. In some cases, pigmentation develops on the skin.

Meanwhile, certain varieties of toxidermia are characterized by specific signs. For example, drug toxidermia, the course of which is characterized by the formation of the so-called erythema sulfanilamide, is characterized by the formation of spots that have clear boundaries. The spots themselves are painted dark red.

Toxidermia, developed due to the effects of bromine and iodine preparations, proceeds accompanied by the formation of skin rashes, which in appearance resemble acne. With alimentary toxidermia, rashes usually look like blisters.

Varieties of toxidermia, caused by exogenous factors, have an acute course. In the course of the passage of the irritating substance from the body, rashes on the skin cover also pass. When exposed to endogenous conditions, toxidermia proceed, as a rule, in a chronic form.

The most difficult thing with toxidermia is to establish the exact cause of the lesion.

Treatment of toxidermia involves:

– establishing the nature of the stimulus and its elimination from the body;

– GI cleansing with diuretics;

– taking drugs that reduce the sensitivity of the body to an established stimulus;

– Means for relieving external symptoms.

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