Asthma in children: changes in diet and lifestyle

Pediatric bronchial asthma is one of the most severe allergic diseases, often leading to significant limitations in the daily lives of children and their social adaptation. Asthma in children was described even by classic writers of domestic and foreign literature. But today, asthma is quite possible to control and make life with her a child quite full. According to researchers, even many of the well-known Olympic athletes suffer from asthma, and this did not prevent many people from getting medals in competitions. But in order to achieve this, parents need a long way to treat and control asthma from early childhood.

Bronchial asthma: breathing problems

Bronchial asthma is an allergic disease that leads to difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, whistles and sputum, resulting from pronounced bronchospasm under the influence of allergens. This can lead to severe respiratory problems and health problems, but if the parents have a good doctor and the right plan for managing asthma, it is possible to have normal breathing, maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life that does not limit the child in any areas. In this case, the child may well attend school, play sports and reach different heights in their activities. Control of asthma begins with a detailed study of all changes in respiration and metabolism, which arise as a result of its presence in the body.

Who happens in asthma: cramps, wheezing, shortness of breath

The main changes occurring in the respiratory system in asthma is the process of inflammation in the area of ​​the bronchial tree, the production of excess viscous sputum in combination with spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi, which leads to blocking of free access of air through the respiratory tract. As a result of this, such sensations may arise as if breathing takes place through a thin straw and each breath is given with great difficulty. In about 75-85% of children, the formation of allergic reactions is either a consequence of asthma, or they become the immediate causes that contribute to the manifestation of severe attacks of bronchial obstruction. But to the delight of parents, today there is a significant arsenal of tools that help to cope with manifestations of obstruction, spasms and wheezing in the lungs and bronchi, normalize difficulty breathing. But what should parents do to help their child cope with attacks and relieve asthma?

How to relieve asthma in a child?

Bronchial asthma in children is a serious and sometimes life-threatening illness in childhood, so it is very important that the parents of the suffering child always be in close contact with the doctor in order to help manage the symptoms of the disease. It is important to pay special attention to some special moments in everyday life.

Often, during the infancy, food can cause asthma-like symptoms or allergic rhinitis, and allergens such as aerogenic environmental factors such as pollen, dandruff and animal hair, dust mites and mold can trigger asthma from preschool age. . If the parents suspect that the child develops allergic attacks on the food they receive or on contact with environmental factors, it is important to do everything possible to distinguish between contacts with them.

It is important to remember that such types of irritants as exposure to smoke, perfume or household chemicals, cold air, or some medications can cause bouts of non-allergic bronchial asthma. It is worth trying to keep such irritating factors as far as possible from places where there are  children. It is strongly worth quitting smoking in the house, especially if the child breathes tobacco smoke.

What do parents need to know about asthma?

Often associated with the development of asthma and stress, which was exposed to the mother of the child. This may further lead to the development of bronchial hyperreactivity and the appearance of wheezing in babies, which can smoothly develop into the development of already asthmatic attacks. Stress factors can be independent negative triggers or they complement viral infections, internal disruptions of the body and the influence of allergens that lead to an overload of the immune system, which increases the risk of developing subsequent asthma. In conditions of chronic stress, children’s immunity can often falter.

About 80% of children with asthma become ill with it until the age of five. It is worth observing the manifestation of some of the typical symptoms. It is important for parents to listen to the presence of a small cough, which gradually becomes more and more pronounced. They should also be aware that the transferred flu or persistent infections of the sinus area can exacerbate the manifestations of allergy symptoms that children have.

The role of nutrition, lifestyle

It is important to pay attention to what the child eats. This is especially true of all sorts of store goodies. Studies show that nutrition such as chips, crackers and snacks with processed fats can provoke attacks of wheezing and asthma. In the presence of asthma, a special, hypoallergenic   food that will help reduce the allergen load on the child’s body.

It is important to wean children from gadgets and video games in favor of providing them with active games and walks in the fresh air. More recent studies have shown the linkage of obesity and excess weight with a sedentary lifestyle, as well as with increased risks of disease. In this case, aerobic exercise in the air can be a great way to combat asthma and its prevention. Only you always need to make sure that the child kneads and warms up properly before performing the exercises and properly rests and cools after they are held, which does not allow dehydration and  medication   For relief of asthma attacks, parents are always on hand for contingencies. One of the great remedies for asthmatics in combating illness is swimming, because moist, warm air can prevent airway obstruction.

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