Bronchial asthma or bronchitis: symptoms, diagnosis

Bronchial asthma and bronchitis are diseases of the respiratory tract, common symptoms of which are significant irritation of the respiratory tract, signs of inflammation and persistent cough. In some cases, there is confusion in the interpretation of symptoms, and the diagnosis is incorrectly set. What threatens this state of affairs? First of all, the development of complications due to the lack of full treatment.

Symptoms of asthma and bronchitis

In bronchial asthma and bronchitis, cough is the most common symptom. But for the diagnosis and differentiation of one disease from another, doctors evaluate other signs. For example, bronchitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • fever;
  • deterioration of health;
  • headaches;
  • productive cough, that is, with sputum;
  • respiratory failure;
  • chest pain or tightness.

In some cases, patients with cough, shortness of breath believe that these are symptoms of bronchitis, although in reality – this   bronchial asthma, in which the narrowing of the airways occurs.

The most common symptoms of asthma include:

  • cough;
  • respiratory failure;
  • wheezing.

Symptoms are worse at night and in the early morning when patients begin to wake up. Manifestations of asthma can be enhanced by the action of certain triggers: air smoke, physical activity, the presence of pollen in the air and the action of other allergens.

Bronchial asthma and bronchitis simultaneously

In patients with asthma under the action of certain conditions, bronchitis may develop, and characteristic   the symptoms   become more pronounced, complex:

  • respiratory disorders;
  • wheezing;
  • chest pain and discomfort when breathing.

Treatment of bronchitis in patients with a diagnosis can take place in the hospital under the strict supervision of doctors.

Diagnosis of bronchitis and asthma

Diagnosis of the condition is based on an analysis of the survey data obtained, the history of life and illness. Be sure to tell your doctor about those factors that contribute to the improvement or deterioration of the condition. The value obtained and the data obtained during some tests, the main among which is spirometry.

It is possible to make a diagnosis after analyzing the data obtained with:

  • studying the history of the disease and symptoms;
  • auscultation (listening) of the lungs;
  • X-ray examination of the lungs.

Different causes and treatments

Viral infections of the respiratory tract often cause bronchitis, and others can be the source of infection. Certain diseases of the digestive tract, for example, gastroesophageal reflux disease, can provoke bronchitis when acid and stomach contents get into the esophagus and upper respiratory tract and can spread throughout the system.

The exact causes of asthma are not yet reliable, but it is known for sure that heredity, predisposition and allergic reactions matter. Such patients are at risk and are more likely to get sick. A number of studies show that variable respiratory infections with a severe course at an early age also contribute to the development of bronchial asthma.

In accordance with the fact that the causes of diseases are different, the approaches to their treatment are fundamentally different. Therapy of bronchitis is reduced to the appointment of drugs, as well as strict adherence to all the recommendations of doctors:

  • bed rest and proper rest;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • medications aimed at combating the cause of the disease, as well as those falling within the framework of symptomatic therapy.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe inhalations with drugs that help normalize breathing.

There is no medicine for asthma, the treatment tactics are reduced to the prevention of asthma attacks, restraining its progression and the formation of complications. Patients should try to limit the effects of triggers: reduce contact with allergens, give up bad habits, ventilate the room, and also maintain optimum humidity.

Preventive measures

Prevention of bronchitis is reduced to the timely treatment of respiratory infections, which carries a doctor. It is especially important to follow such recommendations to patients from risk groups. During the cold season, it is necessary to limit visits to crowded places, and if this is not possible, then take all protective measures. An active lifestyle, hardening, a full-fledged diet and avoiding bad habits are the basis for the prevention of many diseases, including bronchitis.

Unfortunately, preventing the development of asthma is not always possible. But to avoid attacks of asthma and the progression of asthma is quite realistic, the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. The first and most important rule is to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, try to protect yourself from the action of provoking factors: cigarette smoke, allergens, etc.


Despite the fact that   bronchitis   quite a serious disease, with timely treatment for medical care and treatment, it is possible to avoid its transition to the chronic form. But still there is a possibility of the formation of complications, especially in patients from risk groups: children, elderly patients, people with weakened immunity, with oncopathology and bronchial asthma.

Taking medications, strictly following all the doctor’s recommendations, limiting contact with allergens will help prevent asthma attacks, as well as avoid complications.

Patients are not recommended to refrain from physical activity, but we are not talking about exhausting workouts, which can provoke an attack of suffocation. The use of inhalers will prevent seizures, the main thing is to choose the correct dosage and period of action.

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