Cough with pneumonia in children

Pneumonia refers to serious infectious diseases, delayed or incorrect treatment of which is fraught with serious consequences. In childhood, the disease is accompanied by fever, cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms, although sometimes there is also a latent form of the course of the disease. A large number of combinations of signs of inflammation creates certain difficulties in diagnosis. Therefore, knowing what a cough with pneumonia in children is like will allow parents to seek medical help on time.

Features of symptoms

One of the most common signs of pneumonia, cough appears in the first days after infection. At first, the reflex is dry, unproductive. As soon as the secretion begins to separate, the cough becomes wet. Unlike colds, the secretion released in this way consists of mucus, pus and blood clots. In some cases, doctors diagnose green streaks in the sputum.

Due to a weak immune system, other types of cough are observed with pneumonia in children:

  1. Obsession, low productivity and a characteristic whistling sound characterize the spastic-type reflex.
  2. If the doctor observes a hoarse cough in a child, he will warn about the presence of disorders in the vocal cords.
  3. A symptom with a metallic sound and no phlegm is defined as a barking cough. It is associated with the viral nature of the disease.
  4. With pneumonia, there may be a whooping cough. In this case, it manifests itself in the form of severe attacks with a slight release of viscous sputum and residual irritation of the mucous membranes. In some cases, the symptom can cause vomiting.
  5. The formation of ulcers and fistulous passages gives the syndrome a bitonal character.
  6. A symptom of atypical chlamydial inflammation is a staccato cough. Its sonorousness, abruptness is combined with rapid breathing and the absence of high temperature.
  7. One of the most severe manifestations of pneumonia is a cough with syncope (fainting). It is often accompanied by increased blood circulation, increased blood pressure and temporary loss of mind.


These symptoms are rare and are considered signs of complications. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and begin to treat pneumonia in the early stages in order to quickly achieve recovery.

Causes of cough in pneumonia

Since the immune system in children is not strong enough, it often suffers from the invasion of pathogenic microflora. If it enters the respiratory system, it can easily excite the laryngeal nerve. As a result, mucus begins to accumulate in the lungs, becoming a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. And if the population of infectious agents is not eliminated, they gradually begin to spread throughout the body, aggravating the course of the disease.

The mucus in the airways becomes a serious obstacle to the body. Therefore, he begins to use the cough reflex as a natural way to remove phlegm. And while the secretion is in a viscous state, its exit is difficult.

The cough reflex is inextricably linked with shortness of breath. Shortness of breath in children under two months of age is recorded if the doctor hears more than 60 breaths per minute. Before the age of one year, the lower limit is 50 breaths. In a preschool child, a deviation is considered to be an entry frequency above 40.

After about 3 days, the phlegm is thinned and begins to leave the respiratory tract. After elimination of the pathogen, coughing may continue for some time, this is due to the removal of secretions from the body with dead microorganisms. According to medical practice, pneumonia in children is cured within 2-3 weeks, and in the presence of complications, the process can take several months. Age, immune status and severity of the disease will affect how long treatment lasts in each case.

How to treat pneumonia cough in children

To eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the lungs, the quality of the treatment is important. Depending on the age of the patient, his current state of health, the presence of complications, it is carried out at home or in a hospital. Therapeutic measures include medications to treat inflammation and cough medications. All efforts will give a good effect, provided that:

  • rules of care and hygiene;
  • proper diet and drink;
  • prescribed diet;
  • bed rest.

With pneumonia, antibiotics are prescribed primarily in the form of tablets or injections. Medicines from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides have proven effective in treating pneumonia. Depending on the results of the diagnosis, the pediatrician himself will select the safest and most effective means for treatment.

To avoid the symptoms of dysbiosis, prebiotics and probiotics are used along the way. For the treatment of children, Linex, Hilak Forte or Lactobacterin are often recommended. The destruction of the main colony of microorganisms will lead to a decrease in symptoms. However, in order to ensure a long-term effect of therapy, the course should be completely completed.

If pneumonia is accompanied by a dry cough, medication is required to suppress the reflex, as well as to dilute sputum. In the first case, the doctor may prescribe Flavamed, Glaucine or Codeine. Their use is discontinued as soon as it is time to stimulate the excretion of sputum. Another task requires the use of mucolytic drugs in the form of tablets, syrups or capsules.

As soon as the phlegm begins to separate, expectorants are needed. ACC, Bronholitin, Mukaltin are added to the list of recommended medicines. To eliminate cough and ease the respiratory process, it is recommended to carry out inhalation procedures using antiseptics or bronchodilators.

Traditional medicine can only be used with the permission of a doctor. The most common methods for treating pneumonia are black radish or nettle infusion.

Upon completion of the main therapeutic course, a recovery period follows. During this time, the doctor will prescribe funds aimed at strengthening the immune system. The list of the complex includes immunostimulants and vitamins. Physiotherapeutic procedures, massage sessions and breathing exercises bring significant benefits to the body.



Since pneumonia is an infectious disease that often occurs as a complication of the common cold, it requires the use of protective measures associated with strengthening the immune system. This requires:

  • consume vitamins;
  • eat properly and in a balanced way;
  • harden;
  • pay attention to sufficient physical activity and walking in the fresh air;
  • avoid stress and overexertion.

During the season of colds, you should not neglect the rules of hygiene, including washing your hands after visiting public places. Parents should teach this to their children by word and example.

If possible, you should try to avoid crowded places where you can encounter pathogens. When cold symptoms appear, it is important to start treatment on time. At the same time, one should not neglect visits to the doctor, especially if the condition began to deteriorate sharply.

Studies have shown that coughing is a natural reflex to remove phlegm in pneumonia. Therefore, the correct treatment is aimed at diluting the secretion for its subsequent removal. Elimination of cough is carried out in conjunction with general therapy aimed at combating infectious agents. And since mistakes in the treatment of pneumonia lead to serious consequences, only a doctor has the right to prescribe medications and control the duration of the course.


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