How to breathe?

The question is not idle. While we are in good health, we rarely think about it. But a commonplace cold should appear – as breathing instantly becomes difficult, and a person begins to search not only for medicines, but also for breathing methods. And here the “minefield” already lies in wait for various methods and recommendations: “Learn to breathe!”, “Do not breathe!”, “Breathe in the count!”, “Breathe deeper!” …

The call “not to breathe”, that is, to try to restrain your breathing both at rest and at available loads, is not justified by anything, just like the advice to breathe deeper. So says Professor A. B. Gandelsman, who devoted his work to breathing problems. The rhythmic and automatic work of the respiratory muscles completely provides the necessary ventilation of the lungs. Arbitrary, without biological necessity, its increase only leads to the fact that the lungs, like furs, in vain distill huge volumes of unnecessary air.

Studies have shown that voluntary forced breathing at rest and during physical exertion only violates the automatic regulation of breathing. Improving both voluntary and involuntary regulation of breathing is best done through physical exercises, and even better during a specific activity: while singing or playing wind instruments, diving or climbing to the top, in the end, you can simply inflate balloons with different intensities .

Such a training (in the process of a specific activity) is effective because the primary serving role of respiration is manifested in it. She does not distract from the chosen activity, like many of the existing “systems” of breathing, but helps her.

Well, then, completely forget about breathing exercises? Many scientists for a long time drew attention to the fact that breathing exercises have a beneficial, calming effect on the central nervous system. The Leningrad physiologist, doctor of medical sciences K. M. Smirnov, who studied one of the most ancient systems – Chinese breathing exercises, came to the conclusion that the main thing in it is the emotional comfort that everyone experiences during classes.

Forgetting anxieties, he sits in a comfortable position and listens to his breathing: calm, rhythmic, free. And now breathing exercises are successfully used for psychological regulation in cases when a person really needs to switch, distract, calm down. If there is no need for this, such gymnastics will only distract from work, study, any other useful activity.

Respiratory exercises, which are used in the treatment of certain diseases, deserve special attention. They are part of a set of physiotherapy exercises, for example, with emphysema, bronchial asthma. And they bring undoubted benefit, if, of course, they are carried out taking into account the recommendations of the doctor.

In situations where oxygen deficiency occurs in the body, for example, after intense exercise, breathing exercises are also advisable. They help to quickly fill up the temporarily created oxygen deficiency, recover after a heavy load. The simplest thing is to take a deep breath, raising your hands up, and exhale, lowering them down.

As you can see, extremes are not needed in matters of breathing. The “Golden Mean” – your personal physiological rhythm plus physical and psychological comfort – is already saying that you breathe correctly.

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