How to recognize lung disease in the initial stage

Doctors told what symptoms signal that disorder with lungs.

Most diseases are easily recognized by symptoms even at the beginning of their development, but for this it is necessary to know exactly which signs may indicate a particular disease. The lungs are one of the most important respiratory organs due to which a person can breathe. If the lungs have any abnormalities, breathing is difficult, but this is not the only sign that a person is sick.

Recently, the most common disease of the respiratory system is considered to be chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes: chronic bronchitis (complication), emphysema (pathology), asthma and cystic fibrosis (heredity). These diseases often suffer from smokers, but among the non-smoking population, doctors regularly register these diagnoses. Often they lead to death, so your health should be treated more carefully.

What symptoms should alert you and make you check your lungs for the development of one of the most serious diseases:

1. A strong cough that has been bothering a person for almost a month. If you have had any disease affecting the respiratory system, but the cough has not gone away and continues to bother you, as well as you may have noticed blood in the sputum, then first of all you should go to the doctor.

2. The patient cannot concentrate and think as before. The fact is that the circulatory system is powered by oxygen entering the body through the lungs. When one of the lung diseases develops, the body does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs, including the brain. Therefore, it is not surprising that the patient has a sharp decline in mental activity.

3. Dyspnea. Most often, shortness of breath appears in smokers and obese people. As it turned out, in case of lung diseases, shortness of breath also develops and thus indicates to the person exactly the organ that needs attention now. And dyspnea may appear not only after climbing up the stairs or running, but also when walking.

4. Lack of strength. Diseases of the lungs somehow affect the well-being of a person. Here again, blame oxygen, which due to weak lungs does not enter the body and does not charge a person with the necessary energy. As a result, the patient feels that he is wildly tired and has no strength at all .Moreover, this state of health accompanies him even after a good rest and a night’s sleep.

5. Weight loss.Doctors told us that to distinguish between weight loss due to lung disease and weight loss for other reasons can be during a meal.You need to put a regular portion of food in your plate and start eating, if at some point a person feels that he does not have enough air and he somehow quickly ate a small amount of food, then most likely there is a problem in the lungs and it needs to be checked urgently.

Doctors called more than 350 drugs that are dangerous to the lungs.

British doctors have found that more than 350 drugs that are widely used today for the treatment of arthritis, cancer and a number of other diseases, can markedly worsen the condition of the patient’s lungs. Their findings and recommendations on the use of these drugs were presented in theJournal. of Clinical Medicine.

One of the authors of the study, John Waterton of the University of Manchester, notes that drugs can cause inflammation in the lungs and cause them to overgrow with connective tissue. Symptoms of drug-induced interstitial lung disease begin to manifest only several years after its appearance, which complicates the diagnosis and the search for possible causes of its development.

After analyzing more than 6,000 cases of development of the disease, described in 156 publications in scientific journals, Waterton and his colleagues argue that more than 350 different drugs that are not associated with lung infections or problems in their work can cause the disease, and more often problems with the lungs developed among patients taking anti-cancer drugs.

Similar trends were observed among people who took drugs to combat rheumatism and heart disease. Something similar was characteristic of carriers of chronic bacterial infections of the urogenital system and lungs, who suppressed them with the help of two antibiotics: nitrofurantoin and daptomycin.

All these drugs, the researchers emphasize, far from always caused the disease and often the probability of its appearance depended on the dose and the duration of the medication. For this reason, doctors should not abandon their use in their practice, although if there are alternative methods of treatment, it is probably worth switching to them, conclude Waterton and his colleagues.

“It turned out that many drugs have serious side effects that affect the condition of the lungs. We do not say that patients should immediately stop taking them, we simply emphasize that physicians should take into account the presence of these side effects and monitor all possible problems with the respiratory system while taking these medicines, ” Waterton said .

Recall, according to experts of the World Health Organization, by 2020, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will be the third in the number of deaths in its share. In 80–90% of cases, active or passive smoking becomes the cause of its development. Besides of COPD causes pollution of air different microparticles.

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