How to remove the diagnosis “bronchial asthma”

The presence of any chronic disease leaves an imprint on the patient’s life. After making a diagnosis, he needs to periodically visit specialists and take precautions to avoid exacerbations of the pathology. You also need to take into account the peculiarities of the state of health when choosing a job, entertainment, etc.

Bronchial asthma is one of those complex diseases, due to which a person has to follow many recommendations. He also faces a variety of restrictions in various areas. Therefore, many would like to know how to remove the diagnosis of bronchial asthma, and whether it is possible to do this.

Pathology information

Bronchial asthma is one of the inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Inflammation can be caused by the peculiarities of the functioning of the respiratory system, due to which too much mucus accumulates in the bronchi, which interferes with the normal passage of air. It can also be provoked by a variety of irritants, such as dust, wool, pollen, pathological microorganisms.

All this can be contained in the air and along with it penetrate the respiratory organs, irritating them. In the presence of intolerance to certain substances, sensitivity to adverse effects increases, increasing the likelihood of bronchial asthma.

A feature of the disease is recurrent attacks of suffocation. During them, the patient needs medication, otherwise it can lead to death. That is why, with such a diagnosis, systematic monitoring by doctors is necessary.

An allergist diagnoses bronchial asthma only after examination. A single attack of suffocation does not mean that a person has this disease. Allergy tests and tests are needed to confirm this assumption.

Is bronchial asthma treated?

According to most doctors, this disease cannot be cured – it can only be controlled. This is because asthma is caused by the body’s sensitivity to external stimuli. It is impossible to eliminate this sensitivity, you can only avoid contact with a traumatic factor. And medications for asthmatics can only weaken the attack of the disease.

It happens that bronchial asthma goes away with age. The child’s body does not immediately adapt to unfavorable external circumstances due to the incomplete formation of internal organs. For this very reason, many diseases in babies occur. As the child grows up, immunity increases, and fully formed organs acquire the ability to fully perform their functions. Due to this, the disease recedes.

If a patient has been removed from a diagnosis such as asthma, this is often explained not by his cure, but by the fact that the disease manifests itself in a mild form. In this case, seizures are practically absent and pass quickly. Such a course of the disease does not pose a danger to a person, therefore, he does not need close medical supervision.

Why remove the diagnosis

To find out whether it is possible to remove such a diagnosis as bronchial asthma, it is necessary to figure out why it may be necessary to do this.

Very often this disease is found in childhood. The child’s body is highly sensitive to adverse influences. But as you grow older, protective functions can increase, which leads to a cure for many diseases. This sometimes happens with asthma. In such cases, the disease goes into a state of stable remission.

Sometimes some respiratory symptoms are mistaken for signs of asthma, which resolve over time. But if you do not conduct an examination, it will not be possible to find out, and the diagnosis will remain.

Because of the danger of illness, doctors tend to play it safe. If you had to diagnose bronchial asthma , this diagnosis is often copied from one document to another and not removed.

There are various restrictions in the lifestyle of patients, due to which discomfort arises. These include:

  1. Ban on military service and work in law enforcement agencies.
  2. Restrictions on certain sports.
  3. Not being able to work in businesses considered harmful to asthmatics.
  4. Refusal of doctors to prescribe the necessary drugs for fear of causing complications associated with a non-existent disease.
  5. Ban on spa treatment, contraindicated in asthma.

In the presence of pathology, such discomfort is justified. But if the diagnosis is wrong or the disease hardly manifests itself, patients see no reason to adhere to these restrictions.

Possible ways to remove the diagnosis

In the presence of weighty circumstances, it is very important to know how to remove the diagnosis of bronchial asthma.

The most correct approach would be to contact a medical institution for re-diagnosis. It is necessary to explain the circumstances to the attending physician and ask for a second examination. You should contact a pulmonologist or therapist.

To make sure that the diagnosis of bronchial asthma can be removed, a diagnosis is made. If the tests are in doubt, the specialist can recommend hospitalization for a detailed study of the clinical picture. If the results of the examination indicate the absence of the disease, the diagnosis will be withdrawn.

But there are also cases when the presence of asthma is confirmed by examinations, and the doctor does not remove the record about it from the card. In this case, the pathology proceeds in a mild form and without exacerbations. The question then arises whether it is possible to withdraw the diagnosis despite the test results.

There are ways to do this. For example :

  • Self-deletion of the record. Some patients steal their medical records and throw them away. When a new card is inserted, they do not report their diagnosis and thus get rid of it. This method can be effective if the clinic does not have an electronic card index, and the attending physician saw the patient only a few times and did not remember him. But if the test is repeated, asthma may be found again.
  • Financial solution. There are patients trying to bribe a doctor to remove an unnecessary entry. In some cases, this works. But do not forget that such actions involve criminal liability and therefore are risky.

Therefore, it is worth dwelling on the correct and legal way to solve the problem. Once in the hospital, the patient should explain to the doctors why he was sent there. Because of concerns about the patient’s health, physicians tend to consider the test results in favor of the diagnosis. Therefore, they should be aware of the existence of doubts about the disease.

The patient himself should follow all the recommendations of specialists, otherwise the results may be distorted. Therefore, you should not smoke before testing or violate the rules for their implementation.

The same actions are provided if you plan to remove the diagnosis of “bronchial asthma” in a child.

When the diagnosis is final and not subject to appeal

The desire to remove the diagnosis of bronchial asthma in the absence of asthma attacks occurs in many patients, and it is justified. In some cases, this is not possible. These include:

  1. Frequent exacerbations of the disease. The presence of status asthmaticus requires constant treatment, otherwise there is a threat to life.
  2. The appearance of deterioration with the refusal of drugs. If symptoms appear when you stop taking drugs, then you cannot remove information about the disease.
  3. Confirmation of pathology during diagnosis. The detection of significant violations indicates significant risks even in the absence of seizures.

With a disease such as asthma, you can remove the diagnosis. But before making a decision, you should think about it. This is a dangerous disease that requires a special approach to the patient.

If a specialist has information about it, you can count on the provision of quality medical care. If the doctor is unaware of the problem, he may accidentally harm the patient by prescribing the wrong medication or procedure. Therefore, it is worth removing entries from the card only when an erroneous diagnosis is indicated there.

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