Living with asthma

What not to do with asthma?

If asthma attacks become more frequent than usual, do not think that your drugs have stopped working. Selina Dzhirer ( Selina Gierer ), assistant professor of allergology and clinical immunology at the University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas, notes, “The use of asthma medications is certainly important in relieving the condition, but there are environmental and lifestyle factors in asthma that can consistently trigger attacks.” It is important to identify and eliminate the factors that aggravate asthma. Don’t let them control your health.

Don’t wear shoes in the house

Various types of allergens from the environment collect on the surface of shoes – pollen, mold fungi and others. If you are allergic to any of these, having these allergens in your home will make your asthma worse.

“Allergens trigger an inflammatory response that can cause asthma to block the airways and make breathing difficult,” says Jirer . Leaving your shoes at the front door can reduce the risk of flare-ups and keep your floors clean. If you have been gardening or visiting the forest, when you come home, isolate the clothes and shoes you were wearing, and take a shower yourself to get rid of allergens that may have got on your body and hair.

Driving with open windows

“Anyone likes to open their car windows on a beautiful sunny day, but no one thinks about how dust and dirt gets into your car,” says Girer . Remember that when parking under a tree, the windshield of the car is covered with a number of allergens. If you drive with the windows open, they all get inside the car. Driving with the windows open can sometimes have consequences in the winter, as the icy air can cause bronchospasm, thereby exacerbating asthma symptoms in some people. Therefore, take care of your safety and keep your car windows closed if you have asthma.

Incorrect location of the air purifier

An air purifier will only rid a room of pet skin, smoke, and dust particles if it is located in a location where it comes into contact with these irritants. Do not place the purifier in the corner of the room, put it in the center of the room, where air flows actively move. For the correct operation of the device, do not forget to clean it regularly and change the filter in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

In a small number of people, taking NSAIDs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen , can cause airway inflammation and asthma symptoms. In asthma, this can be fatal.

“We don’t clearly understand why this is happening,” Jierer notes . Among doctors, this phenomenon is called aspirin-induced pathology. If you notice that asthma attacks occur after using these drugs, try to stop using them and consult your doctor.

Wrong choice of cleaning products

“Any strong-smelling cleaner or aerosol has the potential to irritate and inflame the airways, resulting in sneezing and coughing,” says Jirer . For people with asthma, she recommends ditching commercial cleaners and trying a mixture of vinegar and water instead.

“It’s a good household cleaner replacement because it has antibacterial and antifungal properties,” she adds. In extreme cases, you can use fragrance-free cleaning products.

Swimming pool visit

While swimming itself is an excellent form of exercise for people with asthma, studies have shown that exposure to chlorinated water can increase the risk of developing asthma and other breathing problems. Indoor pools are also a hotbed of molds that can trigger asthma attacks. If you notice a body reaction to visiting indoor pools (shortness of breath, nasal congestion, red eyes, itchy skin), it would be wise to choose a different form of physical activity for yourself.

Use of scented candles

The use of such candles is romantic enough, but when they burn, they release smoke, odor and some chemicals that can cause sneezing and seriously spoil the mood for a person with respiratory diseases. Avoid these triggers and invest in new underwear instead.

Commentary: Life is generally harmful, but especially for an asthmatic. You can list a dozen more habits that can overshadow the life of an asthmatic. But all this affects negatively asthmatics in cases of improperly selected treatment. Except aspirin, perhaps.

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