Prevention of allergic asthma: what is important?

In order for an allergy to develop, a sensitized organism must be contacted with an allergen that is potentially dangerous to it. If measures are taken to eliminate (eliminate) a hazardous compound, this will be the safest prevention of not only atopic asthma, but also all other options for allergic manifestations. To do this, you need to critically review your food and living conditions, do not take some   medication   and create the most comfortable rules for yourself.

The basis of prevention – the elimination of allergens

Bronchial asthma can be allergic (atopic) and non-allergic in origin. The main method of dealing with bronchial asthma, which is based on atopic reactions, as well as all other types of allergies, is to prevent contact with allergens. This is achieved by eliminating – permanent and complete cessation of contact with the hazardous substance that causes seizures and exacerbations. Such measures allow to reduce the dose or to refuse the use of drugs, which in one way or another, load the excretory organs, can give side effects and complications during treatment.

First of all, prevention begins with a full examination and finding out the cause of the allergy – which allergen provokes attacks of breathlessness, skin rashes, digestive disorders or other symptoms. This will help the patient to understand where and how, when and how long he is in contact with the allergen, and to avoid repeated contacts in the future. In the early stages, it is precisely such preventive measures that make it possible to almost completely get rid of allergic manifestations. In addition, any therapeutic measures will be ineffective and even useless if the allergen will always be present in the patient’s life. If contacts with hazardous substances are minimized, this will make the attacks of atopic asthma rare and not so heavy.

House dust allergy

This situation is one of the most difficult, since one way or another there is house dust in almost every home. But to reduce the concentration of allergens in it is quite possible, and this will lead to a decrease in the manifestations of allergy. We need to start by eliminating all the dust collectors from the house, especially being critical of the bedroom and the rooms where the patient spends most of his time. Dust allergy is a specific phenomenon, as possible irritants can be different particles and dust mixtures that are unique to each dwelling.

It is necessary to abandon the fuzzy upholstered furniture, carpets and soft toys, feather beds and wadded mattresses, indoor plants in pots and hangers, curtains of heavy, dense fabrics. In case of allergies, it is also critical to evaluate your own bed: feather pillows and woolen blankets are replaced with artificial hypoallergenic fibers. If there are bookcases with books, it is necessary to close them tightly and not to keep dust in the bedroom, living room.

Changes in life in allergic bronchial asthma

If a patient has atopic   bronchial asthma   there are children who have a lot of soft toys, they should be stored in a separate room, often wash them at a temperature of 40 to 60 ℃. Cleaning houses worth it to charge family , and if a such possibility and no, thoroughly air before cleaning, use personal protective equipment for mouth and nose. Today, for people with a diagnosis of allergic bronchial asthma, special masks are produced that protect against allergen inhalation.

Daily wet cleaning is necessary, if there are carpets – they are also vacuumed daily, but only with the use of special equipment (washing vacuum cleaners or with a wet cleaning function) that have HEPA filters that trap dust and allergens.

If the diagnosis is “atopic bronchial asthma,” special bedding is needed that does not accumulate dust, as well as cotton covers that allow frequent washing.

Identification of reactions to pets implies separation from the pet, and in the future to start birds or animals is prohibited. If there are reactions, for example, to sheep wool, elements of clothing with this wool (socks, scarves, hats) will also be dangerous.

Allergy-induced nutritional changes

If food allergies have been identified, the first thing that is required is to determine the spectrum of allergens and completely exclude them from the diet. In addition, it is important not to forget about the combined dishes, in which the dangerous allergen may be contained in small quantities. It is important when buying food, carefully study the labels.

For many types of non-food allergies in the period of exacerbation, the formation of cross-reactions is possible. It is allergic to similar in antigenic composition of the molecules contained in food. This is especially true for pollinosis (allergic to pollen). If you are allergic to cereals, beer, kvass, flour dishes (wheat, rye) and some other products should be excluded from the diet . In the period of exacerbation of any type of reactions, the doctor prescribes a hypoallergenic diet, it helps to reduce the antigenic load on the immune system.

Drug reactions

If atopic bronchial asthma or other manifestations of allergy are provoked by the use of certain drugs, you should immediately inform your doctor and the drugs should be excluded. Subsequently, during any visits to clinics, it is important to indicate which drugs can provoke allergic reactions and in what form (asthma attack, skin rash, shock). Most often initiate such reactions.   antibiotics, radiopaque agents , serum and vaccines. A separate variant of asthma is a reaction to antipyretic and analgesic drugs (salicylates). The mark of drug intolerance is always made on the patient’s card, it is allocated large to prevent the appointment of this medication.

Allergy sufferers should be wary of any drugs taken for the first time and repeatedly. It is important to read the instructions in detail and, at the very first application, strictly monitor the body’s response to medications. The appearance of a rash, itching of the skin, increased cough or an asthma attack is the reason for the immediate cancellation of the medication and to see a doctor. In the future, these medicines in the treatment of allergies are no longer used.

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