Prevention of bronchial asthma in children

Prevention of asthma involves both the prevention of the onset of the disease, and the treatment and prevention of exacerbations in children already suffering from this ailment. Every year, an increasing number of parents have to face an unpleasant diagnosis. Many causes are recognized as factors in the occurrence of bronchial asthma: environmental degradation, widespread use of household chemicals, natural allergens, and viral infections.

Causes and prevention of bronchial asthma in children

The correct and timely diagnosis and prevention of asthma in children is complicated by the fact that this disease often looks like a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. And adults do not even suggest that something more serious than a common cold has happened to their child. Among acute viral infections, there are symptoms similar to bronchial asthma. The action of the virus causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, making breathing difficult, which as a result becomes similar to asthma.

But do not rush to make a diagnosis. With relief from the common cold, breathing returns to normal again. True, the predisposition to such manifestations remains for some time, and with repeated illness, breathing difficulties may recur. In most cases, such relapses occur less frequently over time, and after about a year completely disappear.

However, in the presence of certain types of allergies in children, the recurrence rate sometimes does not become less. Moreover, seizures intensify and sometimes arise not during colds, but in a seemingly healthy environment. It is in such children that there is a risk of developing bronchial asthma.

If at first the body’s reaction only to the action of the virus occurs, then after a while a similar response may develop as a result of contact with allergens that have nothing to do with viral infection. They are very different, but especially common – these are dust, dog or cat hair, bird fluff and feathers, flower pollen, as well as certain foods. In some children, asthma attacks can occur at the time of psychological stress, during physical exertion, as well as at the moment of inhalation of smoke or cold air.

The main preventive measures are creating favorable conditions for the health of the child

Treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma is not an easy task, but you should not despair. The exclusion of interaction with allergens, preventive measures, and when necessary, and specialized treatment have the ability to stop the progression of the disease or to facilitate its course.

Of course, you need to do your best to prevent colds, because it all starts with the influence of the virus. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the foci of infection in the children’s body. If the child has chronic diseases, treatment and prevention should be carried out until a sustainable positive result is achieved.

We have to work hard to make the environment of the child safe. This requires some preventative measures:

  • First of all, you need to get rid of all household dust. It is advisable to carry out daily wet cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner more often, remove fluffy carpets, heavy curtains, soft toys from the baby’s bedroom.
  • In a house where there is a sick child, it is undesirable to use household paints, aerosols, as they can cause allergic reactions. Repairs should be carried out in the absence of the child; the room must be properly ventilated by his return.
  • If there are pets in the apartment, no matter how good their care is, the apartment will in any case have wool, which is a clear allergen. Of course, it is difficult for a child and adults to part with their beloved pets, but there is no other way out than to give them to good people.
  • A bouquet of flowers with a strong and sharp aroma is also capable of provoking an asthma attack, so you should not keep them in the room.

All these factors, of course, are purely individual. Adults need to be extremely careful to find out what exactly causes their child’s allergies.

Of course, a house without the presence of dust is an unattainable goal, and it is good if the baby will spend more time walking outside for preventive purposes. This will not only limit contact with allergens, but will also help harden the baby. And hardening children and increasing resistance to cool air and physical activity is an excellent prevention of bronchial asthma.

Respiratory gymnastics and physical activity in the treatment and prevention of asthma

Children with bronchial asthma are usually prescribed breathing exercises. And these preventive measures should not be neglected. Classes strengthen the overall health of the child, have a beneficial effect on his psychological state and, most importantly, help in breathing training.

When performing breathing exercises, special attention should be paid to long and smooth exhalation.

Such gymnastics can be performed in a playful way – let the children inflate balls, play the pipe, blow on fluffy dandelions. If the specialist does not see contraindications, swimming can be included in preventive measures in the summer season, and rowing is useful for older children. In winter, children can skate or ski.

Sometimes, unfortunately, the relatives of children suffering from bronchial asthma complicate the baby’s state of health with excessive care with their own hands – they put on too warm clothes, protect them from motor and emotional stress, and make it impossible to show even the most basic independence. Such excessive care negatively affects the condition of the child. 
There are many cases where adults helped a child get rid of asthma by radically changing his regimen — instead of over-custody, they were engaged in rational hardening, physical preparation, and encouraging the child to manifest independence. This is one of the effective and affordable methods of preventing all diseases, including bronchial asthma.

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