Prevention of pneumonia

Pneumonia is one of the most common and dangerous lung diseases that requires serious treatment and recovery. Therefore, actions to prevent the disease come to the fore . Prevention of pneumonia involves a set of effective measures. For prevention to be successful, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: age characteristics, general health. The preventive process should be long (at least 2-3 weeks), with consistent adherence to the recommendations.

Prophylaxis in adults

In adults, preventive measures to prevent pneumonia are aimed at strengthening the immune system and maintaining the body’s tone. Prevent pneumonia help pharmaceutical means and methods of traditional medicine.

Prevention of pneumonia in adults:


  • Taking vitamin complexes. Vitamins and trace elements allow the body to replenish the deficiency of vital substances when natural sources are insufficient, and also to improve the condition of the body. Vitamin therapy is especially relevant in winter. Consumption of fruits and vegetables becomes an integral addition to the intake of vitamins.
  • Vaccination. At the present stage of development of medicine, there is no universal vaccine and medicine against all types of pneumonia. This fact is explained by the fact that the disease is caused by different pathogens. But in order to prevent morbidity , a vaccine against the most common forms of pneumonia is becoming an effective solution.
  • Folk remedies. Using simple, yet effective methods helps protect yourself from viruses and improves health. Mustard plasters, banks, honey and beekeeping products, coltsfoot, licorice root are used as such means. But it is worth considering the possibility of allergic reactions in the body.
  • Preventive massage. The therapeutic effect of the massage is obvious – relaxation, strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation.
  • Sanatorium rest, hardening. Spa treatment, fresh air, walks allow you to maintain the tone of the body and strengthen the protective properties against viral diseases.
  • Prophylaxis with medications. Special pills prescribed by the doctor help to protect against the development of pneumonia – mucolytics and bronchodilators , which remove phlegm from the respiratory system.

A healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep and proper nutrition are essential.

Prevention of pneumonia in children

Prevention of pneumonia in children has specific features. Due to his age, a child cannot always correctly assess his condition and describe it to adults. And the means for prevention must be chosen with special attention and care so as not to harm. To prevent disease in children, the maximum strengthening of the immune system is of primary importance.

The main preventive measures:


  • Vaccinations against influenza, pneumococcal infection, hemophilus influenza. Timely vaccination against serious diseases makes the body more protected against pneumonia pathogens.
  • Physical activity. Balanced physical activity keeps the body in good shape and develops the muscular system. A parent can play sports with a child and become a good role model.
  • Vitaminization. Taking vitamins is useful at any age. For children, there are special vitamin complexes with a high content of trace elements necessary for a growing body.
  • Walking. It is recommended to walk with your child at least twice a day, avoiding hypothermia. Fresh air increases the chances of getting sick.
  • Inhalation with natural herbs (chamomile, coltsfoot, licorice root).
  • Hardening. The procedure begins gradually with hardening the legs, the water temperature gradually decreases from 34 to 25 degrees.
  • Massage. Thanks to massage, children not only form the correct posture, but also activate blood flow, strengthen their immunity.
  • Treatment of chronic diseases. Chronic pathologies have a secondary effect on the likelihood of pneumonia, so it is important to prevent their exacerbations.

In infants, due to prolonged lying, there is a risk of developing congestion in the lungs. Against the background of a violation of pulmonary blood flow, ventilation of the lungs is disturbed, the appearance of viscous sputum is provoked. Under these conditions, bacteria develop rapidly and lead to pneumonia. Therefore, the attention of relatives to the condition of young children at home should be especially close. Preventive measures for infants:

  • Fresh air. It is important to keep the temperature and humidity cool in the nursery.
  • Water. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to thin the phlegm. As an alternative to water, juices and fruit drinks are used.
  • Physical activity. When moving, sputum is separated faster and in large volumes.

The above recommendations reduce the likelihood of contracting pneumonia, strengthen the general condition and minimize the adverse effects of colds and inflammations.

Prevention of pneumonia in bedridden patients

Severely ill people who are limited in their movements are at risk of developing pneumonia and get it much more often. The prevention of the disease in such patients includes a set of measures, including out-of-hospital care:

Good nutrition

  • Turning the patient over every two hours. Changing the position of the body helps to cleanse the lungs better.
  • Relaxing back massage.
  • Regular breathing exercises.
  • Ventilation and cleaning of premises.
  • Good nutrition.
  • Observation of the attending physician.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature, breathing, blood pressure of a person. If abnormalities occur, report them to your doctor.

Preventive measures for the elderly

For older people it is important:

  • Avoid hypothermia. The body of older people is more susceptible to hypothermia. Feet should be warm if they are cold – steam them in hot water to prevent colds.
  • Walk more. Hiking improves blood circulation and helps to keep fit.
  • Observe proper nutrition.
  • Follow the doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period.
  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid stressful situations, less nervous.
  • Monitor the state of the respiratory system. Get regular checkups in hospitals and get vaccinated.


Prevention of pneumonia during pregnancy

Pregnant women are at risk and more susceptible to viral diseases due to a decrease in the protective properties of immunity. Pneumonia during pregnancy is much more difficult, so preventive measures in the fight against the disease are of particular importance.

Among the preventive measures:

  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumococcus at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • Good hygiene (washing hands, rinsing the nose).
  • Balanced diet.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Average physical activity.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist.
  • Prevention of hypothermia.

Additional preventive measures

It is important to take into account that pneumonia has a total effect on immunity. If a person has already had pneumonia once, the likelihood of re- illness is much higher. Also in the zone of particular risk are people with a weakened body who have undergone various operations.

Against pneumonia, not only traditional methods and tips are used, but also additional methods of prevention and medications, see here. Special breathing exercises and exercises that are designed to stop the development of pathological processes in the lungs are recognized as effective . Another means of preventing disease are medicinal infusions and decoctions (honey, propolis, soothing herbs).

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