Recovery and rehabilitation after pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is an insidious disease that has no age restrictions. Both an adult and a child can suffer from it . Pneumonia is difficult. Even at the stage of recovery, the patient often develops serious complications. The risk of an inflammatory process in the lungs is increased in newborns, infants, the elderly , and patients with weakened immunity. Therefore, the period during which recovery from pneumonia occurs is very important. Timely prevention helps to avoid negative consequences.


Inflammation of the lungs is treated in a hospital. The therapy is carried out for 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course depends on the type and stage of pneumonia. The decision to discharge a patient with pneumonia is made based on the results of a control study. It must include an x-ray. People who have had pneumonia are registered with a pulmonologist for 12 months.

In the rehabilitation scheme prescribed after pneumonia, in addition to the above medical measures, massage, physiotherapy exercises, breathing exercises and physiotherapy are introduced . Prevention after illness is prescribed by the attending physician. Ignoring his recommendations can lead to relapse. With uncomplicated pneumonia, the prognosis is favorable. To fully recover, it is necessary to eliminate the clinical, morphological and radiological signs of pneumonia. General health improves within a few days after starting treatment.

Recovery duration

The main cause of the disease is an infectious effect on the body. The degree of destruction of lung tissue is determined by the type of pathogen and the stage of the inflammatory disease. Destruction of the parenchymal tissue and partial dysfunction of the mucous membranes provoke the appearance of characteristic symptoms. Among them are cough, fever, cyanosis of the skin, wheezing in the lungs, separation of “rusty” sputum.

Treatment continues until the factors that provoked pneumonia are eliminated. After passing an effective therapeutic course, the inflammatory process is stopped. The affected mucous membranes take a long time to recover . Prophylaxis after bilateral pneumonia lasts from 2 weeks to several months.

At the first stage of physical rehabilitation, the airways are sanitized. Thus, pathogens that can cause a relapse of the underlying ailment are eliminated. The goal of the second stage is to regenerate the affected segments of the lung. With the help of preventive measures, they strengthen the immune system. The list of the most dangerous consequences includes pneumofibrosis, pleural empyema, acute and chronic pulmonary insufficiency, abscess and cirrhosis of the lungs.

Airway sanitation

To achieve the desired result, the patient is prescribed a comprehensive prophylactic complex. Exercise, a gentle diet and physiotherapy sessions are used in parallel with taking medications. Rehabilitation after pneumonia should be carried out in full accordance with the doctor’s recommendations .

Factors affecting the duration of rehabilitation

Pneumonia provokes a decrease in the body’s resistance to the negative effects of the external environment. The duration of rehabilitation therapy depends on the severity of complications, chronic diseases and the individual characteristics of the patient. The intensity of the clinical manifestations provoked by pneumonia also matters.

Thanks to effective prevention after pneumonia, residual cough, runny nose, sore throat, dizziness and chronic fatigue disappear. To improve the state of the immune system, the patient is prescribed pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal compositions prepared on the basis of medicinal plants. The scheme is selected, taking into account the information obtained during specific blood tests.

Microflora restoration

Antibacterial drugs become an integral part of the drug regimen prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia. Antibiotics can cause intestinal upset. This is evidenced by signs of dysbiosis and hypokalemia . The clinical picture is often complemented by muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, general malaise, and thrush. To eliminate these symptoms, Panangin, Linex and Asparkam are used . Wastes and toxins accumulated due to partial dysfunction of the respiratory system are removed with the help of antioxidants. Also used are formulations containing vitamin E. They are taken orally or injected intramuscularly. The course of vitamin therapy for pneumonia and its complications makes it possible to compensate for the lack of trace elements such as potassium, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, and selenium.

Special diet

A balanced diet normalizes the electrolyte balance. With the progression of pneumonia in the patient’s body, there is a loss of energy. As a result of this process, a person develops weakness, which is rather difficult to overcome with improper nutrition. The patient will have to give up spicy and fried foods. They impair the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Balanced diet

To avoid the negative consequences provoked by pneumonia, a person should eat food prepared from dietary meat, lean fish, and legumes. A large amount of protein is found in mushrooms, nuts, caviar and seeds. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Another important step in restoring lung function is to adjust the drinking regime. Alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea are replaced with freshly squeezed juices, medicinal broths, mineral water, fermented milk products, berry fruit drinks.


To consolidate the positive effect after pneumonia treatment, you can visit health resorts. The most popular are the sanatoriums located in Vladivostok, on the Black Sea coast, in the Crimea. Recovery from illness should take place during the warm season. The rest is accompanied by physiotherapy procedures, among them:


  • chest massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • microwave therapy;
  • inhalations carried out by means of alkaline solutions;
  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis.


This method is often included in the general complex prescribed after pneumonia. When recovering from pneumonia, physical exercise alternates with breathing exercises. The load on the body is increased gradually, subsequently classes are carried out in the fresh air. During rehabilitation, it is strictly forbidden to overexert yourself. To avoid the occurrence of negative consequences, daytime sleep is included in the daily regimen.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine methods for pneumonia are used only after agreement with the attending physician. Despite the relative safety, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the respiratory system in full accordance with proven recipes. Rehabilitation at home conditions is effected by frankincense and pine oil. Residual cough is eliminated with regular baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

The body with pneumonia is cleansed by the following methods:

Steam inhalation

  • Steam inhalation. To prepare a therapeutic composition for pneumonia, you will need 5 drops of essential oil and one liter of water. First, the liquid is brought to a boil, then the main ingredient is added to it. Then they put the pan on the table, bend over it and cover the head with a terry towel. At the last stage, the chest is rubbed with essential oil. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night.
  • Infusion of milk and figs. Two fruits are added to boiled milk. You need to drink the medicinal composition after eating. A single dose for the treatment of pneumonia is 2 glasses.
  • A mixture of birch buds and honey. The components are taken in accordance with the required proportions (1: 5). After the honey is melted, crushed kidneys are added to it. The remedy is taken before bedtime. One teaspoon is diluted with boiled water. The mixture must be taken within 6 months.

To prevent community-acquired and hospital -acquired pneumonia, a person needs to be vaccinated. Through it, they create immune protection against pathogens that cause pneumonia for 5 years. This procedure will not be enough. In the room where the patient with pneumonia is located, it is necessary to regularly damp cleaning and airing. With pneumonia, psychological and physical overload should not be allowed . Optimal environmental conditions will reduce the risk of complications from pneumonia.


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