Techniques and rules of breathing exercises for asthma for adults and children

Asthma is a serious disease that can be treated with the use of medications, as well as a complex of breathing exercises. The correct execution technique helps to improve the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Respiratory gymnastics in asthma increases the elasticity of the walls of the bronchi, blood flows through the blood vessels in a larger volume, carrying a sufficient amount of oxygen. In addition, it is an effective way to prevent stroke.

Benefits of breathing exercises for asthma

If you perform therapeutic exercises correctly, then it not only helps the body fight the disease, but also has a positive effect on the body as a whole:

  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • the content of cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the heart works correctly, without disturbances;
  • the patient’s nervous system becomes more resilient, stress is relieved.

If we talk about breathing exercises in general, it should be said that it improves the patient’s quality of life.

In terms of the impact on the disease, the following positive effects of exercise can be noted:

  • gas exchange in the organs of the respiratory system is normalized, and the cells receive the required amount of oxygen;
  • with proper breathing, mucus leaves the bronchi better;
  • chest muscles become stronger and more elastic;
  • stagnation of blood in the lungs is prevented;
  • the appearance of adhesions is prevented.

What results are achieved

Breathing in bronchial asthma is an important point that should be paid great attention. If you correctly and regularly perform breathing exercises, you can achieve the desired results.

The bronchi are freed from mucus, ventilation and respiratory function of the lungs improves. Breathing correctly in asthma means minimizing the frequency of asthma attacks.

Correct exercise can achieve the following results:

  • the severity of symptoms decreases;
  • the breathing apparatus is restored and returns to normal;
  • the emotional state improves;
  • the impact of stress, which aggravates the disease, decreases;
  • sleep is normalized.

In order to achieve maximum results, experts advise doing gymnastics in complete silence. You should not turn on music, it is better to focus on inhaling and exhaling. The main principles of training should be regularity, correct exercise and a serious approach.

Basic rules for performing gymnastics

Breathing exercises for asthma, as well as for bronchitis, should be carried out in complete rest, without haste and regularly.

There are a number of rules for conducting training in bronchial asthma, following which you can avoid a heavy load on the body and achieve better results:

  • during gymnastics it is necessary to breathe through the mouth. If you do not follow this rule when doing exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma, then the contents from the nasopharynx can get into the lungs, and the exercises will not only not give the desired effect, but also harm the body;
  • with an exacerbation of the disease, exercises should be performed in between attacks. If you do not follow this rule, then severe cough and bronchospasm may appear;
  • breathing should be shallow so as not to provoke an increase in the symptoms of the disease. Emotions need to be controlled;
  • regularity is the main requirement for exercise.

Exercises are prescribed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations given by the attending physician.

Respiratory gymnastics techniques

There are a large number of methods for carrying out gymnastics for asthma. The most effective is breathing exercises according to Buteyko and Strelnikova.

Performing these two types of exercises for asthma is available not only for adults, but also for children.

Please note: no matter what technique was prescribed to the patient, if an unpleasant sensation or cough appears during exercise, you should definitely tell the doctor about this for further correction of the exercise. Any of the techniques should not cause discomfort!

General set of exercises

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma are performed in a complex manner. Workouts begin with a minimum load that gradually increases.

The main advantage is that no special equipment is required for gymnastics. It is enough to be in silence and strictly follow the rules of the exercises.

The main set of exercises includes movements that are used in any technique and help to normalize breathing:

  • As a rule, with asthma, phlegm and mucus accumulate inside the bronchi at night. To clean them, it is necessary, without getting out of bed, to pull up the legs, bent at the knees, to the chest, while, as soon as the legs approached the chest, you need to exhale with your mouth. At the initial stage, for about the first 10-15 days, the exercise is repeated at least 10 times, and then the number gradually increases;
  • after completing the first exercise, you need to stand on your feet, hands on your waist. The maximum amount of air should be inhaled through the nose, while the stomach should be rounded as much as possible. Then a sharp exhalation is made, and the stomach should be drawn in as much as possible. If the exercise is done by an asthmatic person, it is not recommended to perform it more than 10 times in one approach. If dizziness appears during execution, classes stop;
  • “Alternate breathing” – inhale in turn, then right, then left nostril. Constantly changing one side to the other, repeat at least 10 times;
  • in order for the fight against asthma to be more effective, it is necessary to carry out deep ventilation of the lungs. For this, the patient sits in a chair, hands on knees. Inhale – open your arms, exhale – join your hands on your left knee and pull it to your chest. The same is repeated with the right knee. With complications of bronchial asthma, exercise is done no more than 10 times;
  • not only adults but also children suffer from asthma. Seating a child and getting him to do the exercises is difficult enough. Therefore, you can play with him. To do this, the child breathes in a large amount of air through his mouth, and exhalation should be slow. You can use a tube dipped in water through which the child will exhale. With this exercise, you need to observe that the expiration time gradually increases.

Correct exercise is a guarantee that asthma attacks will recur less and less.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova is very popular not only among asthma patients, but also among doctors who recommend doing it.

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma were developed by Strelnikova several decades ago. The main goal of the technique is not only to help a patient with asthmatic attacks, but also to improve health in general.

In 1980, information about the technique appeared in the then popular journal “Physical Culture and Sport”, after which the technique not only became widespread, but during its existence, it helped a large number of people cope with seizures.

According to the doctors’ observations , the help from the technique will be only if the patient does the exercises twice a day. In addition to asthma, classes help to improve metabolic processes, blood circulation, and restore the nervous system.

The technique helps with pneumonia and congestion in the lungs. All parts of the body are involved in gymnastics: arms, head, legs, abs, even the pelvis. In order to correctly perform all the exercises, you need to use the recommendations and study the technique in more detail.

How to do Strelnikova exercises correctly:

  • the air should be inhaled only through the nose. The inhalation should be sharp. You should not concentrate on the exhalation, as this is distracting;
  • exhalation is carried out through the nose, while accompanied by certain body movements;
  • you need to inhale the air in the rhythm of the marching step;
  • all exercises are done on the count of 8. You need to count mentally;
  • you can do gymnastics standing, lying or sitting. The choice of position depends on the patient.

Examples of practical exercises

Consider a few exercises that every patient should master at the initial stage:

  • “Palms” – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 4 sharp breaths are carried out quickly. In this case, the palms are clenched into a fist with each breath. When exhaling, the palms are voluntarily unclenched. The exercise is repeated at least 96 times. Please note – when performing this exercise, the body remains motionless, only the palms and the respiratory system work;
  • “Shoulder straps” – the exercise is performed while standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are pressed to the body at waist level and clenched into fists. With each breath, the hands seem to push something down. When inhaling, the hands return to their original position. The exercise is done in blocks: 4 sets of 12 times.

These are two exercises to start with remedial gymnastics. Further, additional exercises are gradually added. New exercises should not be done all at once, but introduced gradually.

The full set of exercises can be viewed on the official website of Strelnikova.

Please note: the proposed gymnastics is recognized as quite effective, and it is very important if at the time of the attack the patient owns it. With a severe attack, you can sit down, rest your hands on your knees, bending slightly, inhale and lean back, allowing the air to escape. Repeat 2-4 times and take a break for 10 seconds.

When a child develops a disease, many doctors recommend visiting exercise therapy, but, in accordance with Strelnikova’s theory, it is prohibited, since it is physical activity that can cause an attack and aggravate the disease. Therefore, breathing exercises will be the best option in the fight against the disease. Exercises with a child are best done together, turning them into a game.

Despite all the positive aspects of breathing exercises, the patient should be observed by a doctor during the training period. He will monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe medications.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Buteyko

Bronchial asthma can be treated with breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. The method was proposed back in 1952, but is still widely used in the treatment of the disease.

The author believes that the main reason for the appearance of bronchial asthma is the lack of the necessary amount of carbon dioxide in the body. Taking a deep breath allows oxygen to enter the body, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide.

Due to the lack of carbon dioxide, bronchospasm develops, air intake decreases, which can lead to oxygen starvation.

Therefore, according to Buteyko, the inhalation should be shallow in asthma. Anyone can hold their breath, but learning to breathe shallowly is not.

The result can only be seen with regular training. The main exercises of the technique are based on a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the body and the accumulation of carbon dioxide:

  • full chest inhalation, holding the breath for 7.5 seconds. After a pause of 5 seconds, and everything is repeated from the very beginning at least 10 times;
  • inhale with the nostrils alternately: 10 times with one nostril, 10 times with the other;
  • in order for the lungs to work properly, it is necessary to carry out deep ventilation of the lungs. It is necessary to take 12 extremely deep breaths within 60 seconds. Each breath takes no more than 5 seconds;
  • you can breathe in levels; at each level, a certain amount of time is allotted to inhale. This is the so-called rare breath.

All Buteyko exercises are performed in standing or sitting position. After class, you need to take a comfortable position and relax. You should stay in this position until breathing is restored and becomes even.

Sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics is indispensable for the restoration of respiratory organs in asthma. Exercises include not only physical education, but also teaching correct breathing using various sounds.

The sounds that the patient makes during breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on the body and help prevent asthma attacks.

The sound creates a vibration that, as it descends into the chest, relaxes the muscles, thanks to which the patient breathes better and asthma attacks are less frequent. In order for gymnastics to be beneficial, not harmful, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for its implementation:

  • each sound exercise begins and ends with the sounds ” ppf “. They are pronounced when the lips are folded with a tube;
  • a prerequisite is the pronunciation of the closed sound ” mmm “. This exercise is carried out in a sitting position with your hands folded on your knees;
  • the sound should be made by the patient on exhalation;
  • the duration of the sound gradually increases from 5 to 30 seconds.

You cannot start gymnastics with complex exercises. There are several steps that must be followed one at a time. At the preparatory stage, the patient learns to pronounce the sounds “o”, “u”, “e”. At the transition to the first stage, the sounds “d”, “s”, “z” are pronounced.

Sound gymnastics, like all other exercises, can be done only during periods when there are no attacks. Comprehensive treatment should include exercise-related exercise, breathing exercises and sound exercises.

Respiratory gymnastics of yogis

Breathing exercises for asthma treatment occupy a special place among the medical medicine of the countries of the East. Yoga allows you to do breathing exercises for asthma in full.

In this case, not only the lungs are involved, but also the entire musculature of the respiratory system, and auxiliary muscles. All yoga exercises are performed in a sitting position, legs crossed “in Turkish”.

Yogis recommend: try to feel how the air moves inside your body. It should fill the stomach, chest, and only then there will be a feeling that the air is coming to the collarbones.

Respiratory gymnastics for asthma in children

Respiratory exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children are somewhat different from those for adults. Exercises to restore breathing in asthma can be performed by a child from 3 years old.

Regardless of which technique was chosen as the treatment of the disease, the baby cannot be forced to practice. Everything is carried out exclusively in the form of a game.

The main task of the parent in this process is to teach the child to breathe through the nose. Asthma exercises for children are the same as for adults. It is advisable that in the first lessons an instructor will work with the child, who will explain how to do gymnastics correctly.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Respiratory gymnastics for asthma is an addition to the main treatment, but despite the fact that in most cases it has a positive effect on the body, there are situations when classes are harmful.

Therefore, breathing exercises for asthmatics should be stopped if:

  • the appearance of attacks of suffocation during exercise;
  • severe cough (dry or wet);
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • poor ventilation in the room. Fresh air should be a prerequisite for performing classes;
  • with oncological diseases, gymnastics cannot be done.

Following the basic rules, you can, in the shortest possible time, not get rid of the disease, but reduce the frequency of attacks.


Carrying out gymnastics for bronchial asthma is an important point in the fight against respiratory diseases.

The correct organization of classes, their regularity is a guarantee that in the shortest possible time the patient will learn to breathe correctly and control his fear, which will shorten the duration of the attack.

Therapeutic physical culture is prescribed by a doctor who observes the patient for a long time.

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