The attack of bronchial asthma. Rules of conduct during an attack

Parents should be able to recognize and pay attention to the precursors of an asthma attack:

itchy nose;

sore throat;

frequent sneezing;

itching of the neck, chin, in the area between the shoulder blades;

watery eyes.

A stepped dry cough quickly turns into a typical choking. Asthma attacks develop in most cases suddenly. The child has the feeling of “as if laid chest”, breathing is difficult on the exhale, he is tormented by the desire to cough, while a dry cough does not bring relief, only aggravates shortness of breath. It becomes harder to breathe, wheezing in the chest is more and more clearly heard.

Rules of conduct in the event of a bronchial asthma attack:

  1. Try to find the cause of the attack and eliminate the effect of the provoking factor:

if it is pollen, go away from grass, plants, or go to the room;

if it is physical exercise – stop, rest;

if it is contact with animals, tobacco smoke – go to another room, open a window, provide fresh air;

If these are emotions, try to calm the child, distract him.

  1. If, with the elimination of the cause, the symptoms have not disappeared, it is necessary to take the necessary medicine, a bronchodilator recommended by the doctor, to do breathing exercises.
  2. If it does not become easier after 15–20 minutes or the symptoms are increasing, you should seek medical attention.

It is necessary to teach the child to seek help. If this happened at school – to the teacher, nurse, if at home – to parents, if they are not at home – to neighbors.

At home in a prominent place should always be the work phone numbers of parents, ambulance, close relatives and neighbors, so that the child knows who to contact for help if he stays at home alone.

Be healthy!

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