The development of a hoarse cough in a child – why it may appear, how to diagnose and treat

The reasons for the appearance of such a cough are various diseases and conditions. Fever, muscle pain, and pain in the eyes can often appear.

A wheezing cough may indicate pneumonia and usually begins at the bottom. There is phlegm, which tries to remove pathogenic bacteria from the body.

Other symptoms

In addition to coughing, a child may experience:

  • A hoarse voice. Words are pronounced in quieter voices, hiss can be heard, gurgling and wheezing can be heard.
  • High temperature, up to 40 degrees.
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Pain in the back, chest, throat.
  • Profuse perspiration.
  • Shortness of breath, heavy breathing.
  • Weakness, loss of appetite, apathy in young children.

In newborns, the state of the body is not yet ideal, therefore, their hoarse, infrequent cough indicates a normal state.

The main thing is that the pediatrician conducts an examination and says that everything is normal. In older children, such a manifestation indicates an illness.

Cough reasons

A hoarse cough is a sign of a number of respiratory diseases:

  1. Pharyngitis. The throat hurts, from here you can hear wheezing in the larynx, but not in the lungs. The child speaks with difficulty, hesitates more. The disease is treated for a long time, up to a month.
  2. Rhinitis. Bacteria or viruses enter the nose, and the body defends itself with mucus, which doctors call a runny nose. Later, it goes down the throat, irritating it and causing it to cough, especially when lying down.
  3. Tracheitis most often causes a nocturnal cough, as well as upon awakening and with deep breathing.
  4. With bronchitis, the cough gradually becomes moist, the doctor hears wheezing in the region of the bronchi. The cause of this disease lies in poorly formed lungs, but infants rarely get sick with this disease.
  5. With pneumonia, the voice may become hoarse, and the cough is dry and moist. Young children may have blue lips, but the pediatrician may not always hear wheezing.
  6. Asthma is characterized by a violent nocturnal cough. If the cough is without wheezing, this indicates a complete blockage of the airways. Then you need to immediately call doctors.
  7. If a child swallows a small object, it can enter the windpipe and cause irritation. In this case, urgent measures must be taken to remove this object.

With a prolonged cry, the child may hoarse and cough a little, but this condition quickly passes and cannot harm physical health.


To establish the cause of the cough, the doctor conducts diagnostic procedures, the most important thing is listening. Wheezing are:

  • pulmonary, usually moist, audible on exhalation.
  • extrapulmonary are audible during inhalation and exhalation, they can talk about heart problems.

Wheezing may sound like bubble popping or overflowing water. Asthma is characterized by whistling sounds in the chest. It happens that wheezing is so strong that you can hear it without a stethoscope.

It is important to assess the condition of the skin, the frequency of coughing and how difficult a person is to breathe. It is imperative to donate blood. Sputum can tell about the type of lesion, in some cases it is necessary to take a picture or bronchoscopy.


For competent treatment, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis. This is the only way to choose the right tactics, because what will be relevant for one person will not work for another.

Wheezing when coughing is treated with drugs and folk remedies, physiotherapy can be prescribed, for example, exercise therapy, massage, inhalation.

All these funds are needed to quickly remove phlegm from the body and defeat pathogens. If it is pneumonia or bronchitis, then the treatment is carried out in a hospital.

At home, you need to take the prescribed funds, be at ease more time, often ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. Food should be healthy and drink abundant.


This kind of cough will not go away on its own. The doctor may prescribe several drugs to be taken in the system.

These can be antiviral drugs or antibiotics. Among anti-inflammatory drugs, paracetamol or nimesulide is preferred, if it is a symptom of allergy, dexamethasone.

To relieve symptoms, children are prescribed syrup and water-soluble tablets. To simplify the process of coughing up, use “Ambroxol” or “Acetylcysteine” to dilute the sputum and “Mukaltin” for its early release.

To tune the immune system to work, interferons and vitamins can be used.

If the disease is caused by processes in the nose, you can drip vasoconstrictor drugs. Laryngitis is treated with frequent gargling and drinking plenty of fluids. Allergies require taking antihistamines, usually “Suprastin” and similar drugs.


Using folk remedies along with medications helps speed up the healing process. They can be advised by the doctor himself, without his consent, they cannot be used, because the procedure can affect both for the better and for the worse.

For example, you can breathe over potatoes with bronchitis, but you cannot do this with pneumonia.

Inhalation is contraindicated for children under one year old. Before the age of seven, such procedures must be carried out carefully, because breathing obstruction can occur, and the child can suffocate.

For a runny nose, it is advised to drip into the nose the juice of aloe, carrots, foot baths with salt or mustard. Frequent rinsing with saline and gargling is helpful. Collection of herbs, teas, infusions help to release phlegm.

All procedures that have a warming effect can be done only if the child does not have a fever.


Bronchitis without proper treatment can cause a number of complications: a chronic form of the disease, severe bronchial damage and other diseases.

Inflammation of the bronchus can develop into pneumonia. It, in turn, leads to pleurisy, emphysema, seizures, sepsis and other dangerous conditions.

A hoarse cough must be heard by a doctor and treated. Throughout the year, it is necessary to work on strengthening the immune system and not to delay going to the doctor in case of illness, this will help maintain health without serious consequences.

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